I apologize for the poor quality of the gif
Written entirely in Typescript
Built with React, using Redux for state management; consists primarily of modular functional components with hooks
Uses Styled Components for dynamic styling and makes heavy use of Material-UI, an open-source React component library, for form elements, pagination, and modals
Relies on React-Router to handle clientside routing
Auto-formatted with Prettier
Written in C#
ASP.NET Core Web API is secure and conforms to REST standards
Utilizes Entity Framework/AutoMapper and Postgresql for data management
Uses cookie-based sessions for authorization and .Net Core Identity for authentication
Unauthenticated Users can...
Register and log in to an account
Sort and search through tickets
View other users' tickets and activities (profiles)
View the latest activity on the site through an activity feed
Access a demo mode that lets them tour the site as an Administrator
Authenticated Users can...
Create new tickets and update/delete tickets they have created
Post comments for discussion
Receive notifications on their issues
Update their profile
Access a dashboard that summarizes long-term site-wide activity
Developers can...
Be assigned to issues
Update specific fields of other users' tickets (ex. mark a ticket as resolved)
Access more tabs to sort tickets
Managers can...
Assign other users to issues
Promote users to the developer rank
Administrators can...
Update users' ranks and avatars
Blacklist users
One of the largest directories of this project and a pic of the app on mobile; it is fully responsive
Clientside: the project is split up into 5 main directories. Always look at the index.ts file of a directory first!
- api: an abstraction between the API and server, allows us to switch to a virtual local database in the background in demo mode
- components: the app makes heavy use of component composition. Each component has a styles and index file (styles bundled into index when only a few lines), and optionally, sub-components. There are three subdirectories
- container: these components wrap pages and other components
- global: reusable components for building routes. Avatar and iterable widget are two examples of components that are used everywhere
- input: reusable form elements
- routes: the main pages of the app and routing is handled in the Routes.tsx file
- constants: interfaces, enums, static functions, etc. - all constants are placed here so that our imports are clean and simple (it gets messy when you have constants in the components folders)
- flux: all the state management logic is present here (the app uses Redux); each big feature of the app gets a slice file, which encapsulates all interactions in a single module
Two less important clientside directories:
- app: integrates the router, context provider, and main components
- seed: data generation logic for demo mode (generates a legit-seeming graph whose nodes are Tickets, Users, and Activity!)
Serverside: follows the .NET Web API scaffold
Controllers: route controllers, this is where all the endpoints are defined; each route gets its own file (example: /users/ is in UsersController.cs)
Models: here, the objects that Entity Framework maps to database tables, and Data Transfer Objects (DTOs), or API responses, are defined
Data: interactions with the database context, object mappings (with AutoMapper), and internal datatypes are defined here
Migrations: Entity Framework migrations
Requirements: must have npm to run the client, and the .NET Core SDK and Postgresql to host a local server. Note: the demo mode simulates a database locally using an abstraction between the API and server. Therefore, you can run the app locally with just npm (steps 1-3)!
Clone the repo
cd bugtracker/client
and runnpm ci
(this will take a while) -
npm start
to launch the React app on localhost:3000. There will be several error messages like "Could not proxy request ..." because our server is not yet up. You can go tohttp://localhost:3000/bugtracker/#/demo
to play around with the demo if you do not wish to go through the configuration steps to host a local server -
Open a second terminal, run
cd bugtracker/server
and thendotnet restore
(this will take a min) to install dependencies -
dotnet ef
- if this produces an error message, rundotnet tool install dotnet-ef
psql -U postgres
and input your password. Next, runCREATE DATABASE BugTracker;
, name case sensitive. If you get an error, see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/tutorial-createdb.html; if you wish to use a different name, you must update theDatabase
field of the connection string inappsettings.json
in step 9. -
CREATE USER bugtracker WITH PASSWORD 'put a password here';
(insert your own password) and thenGRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "BugTracker" to bugtracker;
followed by\q
In the server directory, rename
appsettings copy.json
to `appsettings.json', then open the file. -
Under the key
, fill in the fields User ID and Password with 'bugtracker' as uId and the password you used. Note:appsettings.json
is in included in the gitignore to make sure you do not put sensitive info on the web. If you change the gitignore, be aware of this -
Delete all files in the
directory -
Back in the terminal, run
dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration
and thendotnet ef database update
. Note: if you are playing with the code and make any changes to the DTOs in the server directory, be sure to rundotnet ef database update
. -
dotnet build
(you will get a lot of spam, don't worry about it) and thendotnet run
to launch the server on localhost:6000! -
Refresh your browser and play with the app! To start, try registering an account and creating a ticket. If you want administrator permissions on an account, set the rank of your user in the AspNetUsers table to 4. I advise that you use pgAdmin 4, a GUI for Postgresql, to make it simpler. If you want to play with a seeded database, go to
If I could do the project again from scratch, I would add testing. In my first semester year of university, I have learned how useful tests can be
Accessibility: there are no aria labels
a tab to the tickets menu that allows for private discussion between users with rank Developer and higher
convert the app to be a PWA
try to add a chat functionality using web-sockets
Made by Japraj Sandhu. I would like to note that I used Akveo's Blur Admin dashboard as a basis for the front-end of the app. I wrote all of the tsx/React and css/styled components myself except for the loading animations. In some cases, I simply used dev tools to see what properties they had set for an element and copied what I liked (examples: widgets, loading animations, and background image). In other cases, I made my own version of a component using their site as a reference (examples: navigation, buttons, notifications). I also made heavy use of Material-UI, a React component library, for icons, form elements, modals, and pagination. This project was inspired by https://github.com/oldboyxx/jira_clone.