
Prometheus + Grafana + TimescaleDB + Cozify = ?

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Kotiscale HomeOps Platform

Prometheus + Grafana + TimescaleDB + Cozify = ?

Getting started

Create a file called .env with the following contents:

POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<make up a secure password>
GRAFANA_PASSWORD=<make up a secure password>

If you want Cozify temperatures to work, authenticate to Cozify Cloud outside the container:

pip3 install cozify
python3 -c 'from cozify import cloud; cloud.authenticate()'

Start the services:

git submodule update --init
docker-compose up

Access the services:


  • Provision data sources and dashboards at cold startup (currently requires clicking)
  • Ship logs to Loki (Loki and Promtail set up but currently not receiving logs)
  • Toss Cozify at the marine birdlife and set up something more reasonable (it sucks :)