
Sleep better with the power of data

Primary LanguagePython

Oura sleep cruncher

Sleep better with the power of data.

Getting started

Get a credentials.json from Google API management UI.

# create config and edit it to your liking
cp config.sample.toml config.toml
code config.toml

# create venv and install deps
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
pip install -r requirements.txt

# run!
python -m oura_cruncher

On first run, it will ask you to authenticate to Google APIs.

If successful, this will download all nights from Oura and place them in the Google Sheet.


Oura API v2 integration

  • Load night sleep from Oura API v2
  • Yeet oura, use requests instead

Google Sheets integration

Use Google Sheets as a makeshift UI to add labels and visualize data.

  • Update a Google Sheet with data extracted from Oura API
  • Read labels from a Google Sheet

Statistical tests

Perform statistical tests on hypotheses such as "I sleep better on nights with label X than without".

  • Single label test
  • Correlation between bedtime and efficiency