
Automation of RHEL for Edge using Ansible at the Edge

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Ansible automation to provision an RHEL for Edge Environments.


Download dependencies

Execute the following commands to download the required dependencies

$ ansible-galaxy role install -r collections/requirements.yaml

Populate Inventory

Add the Image Builder instance(s) into the hosts file.

Subscription Information

The content within this repository leverages Red Hat RPM's. The automation to manage subscribing the machines and repositories makes use of the rhsm role within the infra-ansible repository.

It is recommended to add the necessary values to a separate file and inject it in as an extra parameter using -e @<filename> when executing the playbook. An example can be found below:

rhsm_username: "<password>"
rhsm_password: "<username>"

You can choose to skip Ansible from managing subscription information by passing -e rhsm_manage=false. Be sure that the machine is subscribed to ansible-2.9-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms along with the default RHEL8 repositories.


Execute the following command in order to provision the machine:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/ playbooks/image_builder.yaml

Once provisioning is complete, a HTTPD container that exposes the RFE image and kickstart file on port 8000.

Edge Nodes

Since the above automation exposes the kickstart file and the edge image, boot the RHEL edge instance and add the kickstart arguments as follows:


Edge Automation

The key attribute of this architecture is that edge instances configure themselves by executing Ansible automation. This automation lives on a in the ansible-edge branch of this repository. A timer systemd service is configured to execute the automation on a regular basis.