🚀 competition-drivendata-biomassters

Repository with files created for The BioMassters challenge, organised by DrivenData.

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👷‍♂️ Setup

Local development

In order to create a working environment, the docker is used. To start it, please, follow the next steps.

  1. Launch the docker daemon.
  2. Get to the repository root folder: cd ~/projects/competition-drivendata-biomassters/
  3. Build the docker image with a proper tag: docker build -t competition-drivendata-biomassters:latest .
  4. Run docker container: docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app competition-drivendata-biomassters:latest /bin/bash
  5. Run notebook inside the docker container: jupyter notebook --ip --no-browser --allow-root

Data download

This section was copied from materials that were provided by the organizer!

The data folders for the competition are hosted on a public AWS S3 bucket. Within the bucket, there are separate folders for the training set features ("train_features", which contains satellite data), testing set features ("test_features"), and training set labels ("train_agbm", which contains LiDAR ground-truth data).

The following directory structure is used:

|-- features_metadata.csv
|-- train_features
|   |__<satellite files>
|-- test_features
|   |__ <satellite files>
|-- train_agbm_metadata.csv
|-- train_agbm
    |__ <LiDAR files>

Note the size of each subdirectory:

dataset # files size
train_features 189078 215.9GB
test_features 63348 73.0GB
train_agbm 8689 2.1GB

Data folders can be downloaded from the following links:

  • training set features: s3://drivendata-competition-biomassters-public-us/train_features/
  • test set features: s3://drivendata-competition-biomassters-public-us/test_features/
  • training set AGBM: s3://drivendata-competition-biomassters-public-us/train_agbm

The satellite feature data files are named {chip_id}_{satellite}_{month}.tif, where month represents the number of months starting from September (00 is September, 01 is October, 02 is November, and so on). The LiDAR AGBM files are named {chip_id}_agbm.tif.

Regional buckets

The bucket listed above is in the US East AWS Region. The same data is also hosted on AWS buckets in the EU (Frankfurt) and Asia (Singapore). To get the fastest download times, download from the bucket closest to you.

To access buckets other than the default US East bucket, simply replace "-us" at the end of the bucket name with "-as" or "-eu". For the train data, rather than "s3://drivendata-competition-biomassters-public-us/train_features/", use one of the following:

  • s3://drivendata-competition-biomassters-public-eu/train_features/
  • s3://drivendata-competition-biomassters-public-as/train_features/


The easiest way to download data from AWS is using the AWS CLI.

To download an individual data file to your local machine, the general structure is

aws s3 cp <S3 URI> <local path> --no-sign-request

For example:

aws s3 cp s3://drivendata-competition-biomassters-public-us/train_features/001b0634_S1_00.tif ./ --no-sign-request

The above downloads the file 001b0634_S1_00.tif from the public bucket in the US region. Adding "--no-sign-request" allows data to be downloaded without configuring an AWS profile.

To download a directory rather than a file, use the --recursive flag. For example, to download all of the training data:

aws s3 cp s3://drivendata-competition-biomassters-public-us/train_features/ train_features/ --no-sign-request --recursive

To download only a subset of the data, use the --exclude and --include flags. For example, to download only the data from Taipei use:

aws s3 cp s3://drivendata-competition-biomassters-public-us/train_features/ train_features/ --no-sign-request --recursive --exclude="*" --include="*tpe.nc"

See the AWS CLI docs for more details on how to use filters and other flags.

Satellite metadata

We have also provided a "features_metadata.csv" file on the "Data Download" page that contains metadata about hosted satellite data. This may be useful if you want to write a script for downloading. The metadata file also includes file hashes that can be used to verify the integrity of a downloaded file. Hashes are generated using the default cksum hash function.

"features_metadata.csv" contains the following columns:

  • chip_id: A unique identifier for a single patch, or area of forest
  • filename: The filename of the corresponding image, which follows the naming convention {chip_id}_{satellite}_{month_number}.tif. (month_number corresponds to the number of months since September of the year previous to when the ground truth was captured, so 00 would represent September, 01 October, and so on, until 12, which represents August of the same year)
  • satellite: The satellite the image was captured by (S1 Sentinel-1 or S2 for Sentinel-2)
  • split: Whether the image is a part of the training data or test data
  • month: The name of the month in which the image was collected
  • size: The file size in bytes
  • cksum: A checksum value to make sure the data was transmitted correctly
  • s3path_us: The file location of the image in the public s3 bucket in the US East (N. Virginia) region
  • s3path_eu: The file location of the image in the public s3 bucket in the Europe (Frankfurt) region
  • s3path_as: The file location of the image in the public s3 bucket in the Asia Pacific (Singapore)
  • corresponding_agbm: The filename of the tif that contains the AGBM values for the chip_id

To check that your data was not corrupted during download, you can generate your own hashes at the command line and compare them to the metadata. For example, we know from the metadata that the hash for the file "001b0634_S1_00.tif" is 3250666344 and the byte count is 1049524. To generate a checksum value for a locally saved version:

$ cksum test/001b0634_S1_00.tif
3250666344 1049524 test/001b0634_S1_00.tif

LiDAR metadata

We have also provided a "train_agbm_metadata.csv" file on the "Data Download" page that contains metadata about the ground-truth AGBM measures acquired using LiDAR. This may be useful if you want to write a script for downloading. Like "features_metadata.csv", "train_agbm_metadata.csv" also includes file hashes generated using the default cksum hash function that can be used to verify the integrity of a downloaded file.

"train_agbm_metadata.csv" contains the following columns:

  • chip_id: The patch the image corresponds to
  • filename: The filename the image can be found under. The filename follows the convention {chip_id}_agbm.tif
  • size: The file size in bytes
  • cksum: A checksum value to make sure the data was transmitted correctly
  • s3path_us: The file location of the image in the public s3 bucket in the US East (N. Virginia) region
  • s3path_eu: The file location of the image in the public s3 bucket in the Europe (Frankfurt) region
  • s3path_as: The file location of the image in the public s3 bucket in the Asia Pacific (Singapore)

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