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Wow ... this porting has just beend finished. It probably has bugs yet, but it works !

It is a porting of Cortex M0 Real Time Operating System (M0S) of Dumitru Stama, winner of hack a day 1kb 2017 contest ( Original version is for NUCLEO-F072RB and is available at .

This port is for Arm Cortex M0 Design Kit running under Xilinx FPGA of Digilent Basys 3 board. You will need obfuscated verilog release of Cortex M0 ( .

Synthesis takes a lot of time because of the logic syntehsided 4kb rom/ram .

This porting has been tested and used under RWindoW$

  1. Download this repository .

  2. Put this file ( in your \CM0XilinxBasys3DesignKit-master\EXAMPLE_SoC\ARMSOC_1\Xilinx\ARMSOC_1.srcs\sources_1\imports\CM0DS-DesignKit\AHB_Peripherals\CM0DS_AHBL folder.

  3. Install arm-non-eabi ( and put it in path

  4. Xilinx Install Vivado

  5. run Command Prompt, enter in Software\M0s folder and run build .

  6. Open Vivado Project Under Xilinx folder, run Generate bitstream and download it to you Basys 3 board.

0x00000E01-0x00001000 (Heap mem)

0x00000C01-0x00000E00 (128x4 task stacks)

0x00000801-0x00000C00 (os mem (512), os stack (256), idle task stack(256) )

0x00000000-0x00000800 (Text of M0S and Tasks)