
A light routing library for Kafka

Primary LanguageClojureApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Conveyare is a light routing library for Kafka based micro-services.


Add the following dependency to your project.clj file:

[com.ververve/conveyare "0.4.3"]


(require '[conveyare.router :refer [routes endpoint context reply]])

Process an incoming message, without reply:

(endpoint "/order/:id/ready" {{id :id} :params}
          :summary "Mark order as ready"
          (db/order-is-ready id))

Reply to an incoming message with a new message on a given topic

(endpoint "/order/:id/add" {{id :id} :params
                            order-line :body}
          :accept {:item s/Str
                   :quant s/Num}
          (reply :to "orders-topic" ; optional, default to originating topic
                 :action (str "/order/" id "/accepted") ; optional, default to originating action
                 :accept {:total s/Num} ; optional check
                 (db/order-add id order-line)))

Put it all together in routes context:

(def my-routes
    (context "/order/:id" {{id :id} :params}
      (endpoint "/ready" _
        ;; as above
      (endpoint "/add" {order-line :body}
        ;; as above
    (context "/other/context"
      ;; ...


Copyright © 2016 Scott Abernethy

Distributed under the Apache License 2.0.