
Primary LanguageLuaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

plec - Command-line Commands

  • plec : Starts the plec
  • plec (file) : Starts the repl with the specified script(.plec)
  • plec -lstd : Starts the repl with the specified preloaded lib(require), in this case lib.std
  • plec -l lib/std.lua : Starts the repl with the specified not-preloaded lib(import), in this case ./lib/std.lua
  • plec -gl43 : Sets openGL version to specified version, in this example 4.3. Avaliable: 11, 21, 33, 43 and es2 (default is OpenGL2.1)

plec - Built-In Commands

  • require modname : require a preloaded lib named modname
  • import filepath : load via dofile pointed by filepath

plec - Built-In Libraries

  • lib.core : core are the essential to get a working console session, it is automatically loaded into plec from main.lua, only need to worry about loading it if running a custom/modified plec
  • lib.std : standard is a extension of core, mostly composed by utils
  • lib.time : creates session.data.time and automaticly set a timepass worker on top of others
  • lib.worker : allow workers to be modified from inside a plec script or repl
  • lib.raylib : includes raylib, an awesome game-development lib

plec - Session Temp values

  • session.temp.exit : responsible for exiting repl or keep in loop
  • session.temp.keep : prevent the session.temp begin cleared, auto-disable
  • session.temp.break: cancel current list processing
  • session.temp.skip : prevent next command from running

plec - Session Data values

  • session.data.preload : prevent the preload from automaticaly run
  • session.data.setup : prevent the setup from automaticaly run

plec - Core Library commands(lib.core)

  • run scriptname : run the filename script
  • set name anything : set a variable inside plec's session, you can also use this to set references
  • unset var-name : unset a variable
  • def lua-code-here : create a command from inside plec
  • undef cmd-name : delete a cmd from data
  • autodef lua-code-here : create a command from inside plec and automaticly load it
  • load : load a existing cmd to session.
  • unload : unload a loaded cmd from session.
  • > lua-code : solve a lua code

plec - Core Library workers(lib.core)

  • = : turn varname = any1 into set varname any1
  • => : turn functioname => any1 into def functioname any1
  • unref : turn @any into its setted value, or replace by '' if no value set
  • unwrapcmd : turn ([any]) into session:run('any') result
  • spacendclean : remove all spaces on start and end of command
  • timepass : increments session.time
  • sigfault : verify if the asked command is avaliable

plec - Standard Library(lib.std)

  • help : list all existing commands
  • lhelp : list all loaded commands
  • clear : clear terminal
  • pause : send the user to api.run()
  • echo string : print text and return it
  • --- string : return comment
  • $ cmd : direct access to OS terminal
  • exit : quit, but complete the current loop
  • terminate : force quit, terminate the process

plec - worker Library(lib.worker)

  • worker.add id position newid : workeradd a loaded worker, only id is obligatory
  • worker.rm index/id : remove worker at index or by its id
  • worker.help : list all workeradded workers
  • worker.lhelp : list all loaded workers

plec - compiler Library(lib.compile)

  • compile luajitpath Ccompiler -V -Cgcc -I/include/folder/ -L/library/folder : compile command, it runs automaticaly if you do not disable setup, -V activate vitrine
  • cpreload : manual preload in case you want more control over the compilation
  • csetup : manual setup in case you want more control over the compilation
  • session.data.compile.vitrine : demonstration mode, this copy the examples in the compilation
  • session.data.compile.ccompiler : allow you to set a C compiler
  • session.data.compile.lib : allow you to set a the lib path to your libraries
  • session.data.compile.include : allow you to set a the include path to your headers

plec - raylib Library(lib.raylib)

  • new.window width length : create a new windows on size width:length
  • close : terminate current window
  • new.scene type : create a new scene, type can be 2d or 3d
  • new.cube px py pz sx sy sz color : create a new cube of size {x=sx,y=sy,z=sz} in position {x=px,y=py,z=pz} in color color
  • new.text : creates a new text in current scene
  • color.text : sets default text color
  • color.background : sets default background color
  • fontsize : sets default font size
  • consolemode : enters console mode
  • set.scene x : set main scene to scene of index x

plec - raylib Library Workers(lib.raylib)

  • startdraw: Begins drawing the frame. Call this before any drawing operation.
  • start3d: Begins 3D mode with the camera associated with the current scene.
  • clearbg: Clears the background with the color defined in the current scene.
  • end3d: Ends 3D mode and returns to 2D mode.
  • drawtxt: Draws all the texts defined in the current scene using the properties specified for each text.
  • drawcube: Draws all the cubes defined in the current scene using the properties specified for each cube.
  • enddraw: Ends drawing and swaps buffers, displaying the rendered frame on the screen.

plec - Syntax

  • @variable : is replaced by the variable value
  • wl!wl2!wl3 : this set the current command to run on wl wl2 wl3 pipelines
  • ([command]) : run command on plec layer
  • ; : separate commands, finish the command and start a new one


  • remember that plec will ALWAYS start from its folder, no matter what you do, no matter where you are it will always start in the plec executable folder