
This is for the installation and testing of Pythia8 for HEP Simulations.

The most current version of Pythia8 is 8.244.

The best raw resources for setting up Pythia8 follow from the official site.
The main page for Pythia is
A documentation pdf can be viewed at
Dr. Sekula's guide (good but is more direct)

Also there will be many bash commands referenced below, so if a refresher is needed, see

I will now provide a summary and useful tips for installing and running Pythia8.


Pythia8 is contained in a downloadable .tgz file; however, if you are using a remote directory (such as SMU's ManeFrame) then you will need to use a different method than simply downloading the file.

The way to do this is to use the wget command. For example:


To make sure this worked correctly, list the objects inside the directory you gave the above command to with ls. You should see pythia8244.tgz inside this directory. You will then need to unpack the Pythia8 using the tar command:

tar xvfz pythia8244.tgz

This will unpack the Pythia8 file and create a directory of the current Pythia version inside the workspace. Again use ls to make sure the directory is there. Using the command cd to move inside the Pythia directory.

The next step is to setup the configuration. Before you setup the configuration you should create your own directory path of where your workspace. Once you have that path created, for example /users/jdburleson/scratch/JetStudy/ then setup configuation in this way:

./configure --prefix=/users/jdburleson/scratch/JetStudy/

The last thing to do is the build the directory using the make command. Execute both of these calls.

make -j
make install

This should take a couple of minutes and there should be no errors. If there are errors, then something was set up incorrectly.

This concludes the basic installation of Pythia8.

First Simulation using Pythia8

Adding stuff soon