
Stationary T-stop Railing Emergency Sirening System, distributed client-server system to ensure railway safety and prevent tragedies

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Stationary T-stop Railing Emergency Sirening System

Jessica Chen, Bryan Han, Jared Ni, Gary Wu

Software Usage and Setup:

Users can instantiate up to three servers, three train clients, and an uncapped number of sensor clients.

For Server:

Run python3 server.py in base directory. You will be prompted to enter a port number; follow instructions to select a port. If the port is already in use, an error message will pop up and you will get the chance to re-enter.

If successful, you'll see a Server API started... This will allow the server to start listening to new clients that join and their commands. As clients join and make requests, important updates will be printed to the server command line.

For Train Client:

Run python3 train_client.py in base directory. Follow instructions to enter a train ID of 1, 2, or 3; if a duplicate ID is entered, you can re-enter another ID number. If successful, trains will wait for all other trains to be at a safe minimum distance away to instantiate at the train stop.

Connecting Sensor Client

First, prepare or construct an Arduino client according to the circuit diagram in the paper. Then, install Arduino IDE, and upload the file ./arduino_sensors/PIR_and_ultrasonic/PIR_and_ultrasonic.ino.

For Warning Sensor Client:

Run python3 client_warning_sensors.py in base directory.

For Alarm Sensor Client:

Run python3 client_alarm_sensors.py in base directory.

Note IP Addresses

At the moment, IP addresses are hardcoded. The source code can be edited so that the servers dictionary in server.py accurately reflects the machines used on a given run.

Helpful Commands

Please run this when encountering grpc errors: python3 -m grpc_tools.protoc -I . --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. sensor.proto


First, run python3 server.py, and then input 2056 for port.

Then, to test train API, run python3 -m unittest train_client_test.py.

Then, to test sensor clients, run either python3 -m unittest client_alarm_test.py or python3 -m unittest client_warning_test.py.