- 7
Masonry Component not showing whole data
#120 opened by het-swb - 7
Using masonic in nextjs
#173 opened by Lantianyou - 4
item width breaks with text wrap
#172 opened by proohit - 1
useMasonry() Example error on sandbox
#171 opened by tara-JSW - 2
ResizeObserver polyfill should be provided through a prop instead of included in the bundle
#151 opened by aalpgiray - 0
Constant flicker on broken image
#170 opened by zspitz - 1
"WeakMap key undefined must be an object" on deleting an item from the collection
#169 opened by zspitz - 4
For the infinite scrolling feature, can add custom component when it reaches to the last item?
#168 opened by tcf01 - 4
Wonder can "masonic" works well in the masonry list is in an absolute container?
#167 opened by tcf01 - 2
- 3
Why does it unmount items that are in a viewport?
#163 opened by zernie - 3
Rendered list items are reloaded sometimes when scrolling or resizing the window
#121 opened by mmmulani - 1
- 2
Updating Item state to a smaller list of items
#158 opened by justisom - 5
- 0
- 2
Accessibility failing on Lighthouse
#133 opened by devcer - 0
DomTesting.js:59 Uncaught TypeError: (0 , _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.styles) is not a function
#136 opened by samrajjWBC - 1
Passing ref to render item?
#149 opened by damiponce - 2
- 3
[Next.js] Hydration failed
#123 opened by dvlden - 0
Turning off the cache makes the entire masonry re render itself when you change a local state variable, even if it has nothing to do with the masonry.
#152 opened by bhatshakran - 2
- 0
- 5
How to make 2 column with difference width.
#127 opened by chuong3x - 1
Stamp element into layout
#140 opened by chrisalcantara - 1
Tab navigation doesn't seem to work correctly
#138 opened by bigfarts - 1
- 5
- 3
How to make one item take up multiple columns?
#107 opened by toekneema - 3
Stuggling to get positioning to work with useMasonry
#118 opened by johtso - 2
Max columns
#122 opened by The-Code-Monkey - 3
Requires direct dependency of `@types/node` to be built
#131 opened by D3SOX - 1
Infinity Scroll with GraphQL
#130 opened by recervictory - 0
- 2
- 2
Elements with role "gridcell" must be contained in an element with the role "row"
#125 opened by dana-ross - 3
List of Masonry: scroll to list index
#102 opened by nowiko - 6
- 1
Should rowGutter default to columnGutter / 2?
#117 opened by johtso - 1
Reverse infinite scrolling
#116 opened by johtso - 9
- 1
Gaps in the Grid
#111 opened by finnatsea - 2
- 0
Masonic inside scroll div container
#110 opened by franmastromarino - 4
- 0
Incorrect number of columns calculation
#109 opened by wjdwndud0114 - 1
- 1
bug: resized items are not all updated because of debounce by rafSchd in createResizeObserver
#105 opened by Dimitri-WEI-Lingfeng - 3