cerber / OAuth2 provider
This is a work-in-progress of Clojurey implementation of RFC 6749 - The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework.
Currently covers all scenarios described by spec:
- Authorization Code Grant
- Implict Grant
- Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant
- Client Credentials Grant
Tokens expiration and refreshing are all in the box as well.
To make all of this happen, Cerber stands on a shoulders of Stores.
Store is an abstraction of storage keeping information vital for Cerber. There are 5 stores introduced:
- users - keeps users details (along with encoded password)
- clients - keeps OAuth clients data (identifiers, secrets, allowed redirect URIs and so on)
- sessions - keeps http session data transmitted back and forth via ring session
- tokens - generated access- and refresh tokens
- authcodes - codes to be exchanged for tokens
All stores may use one of following implementations:
- ideal for development mode and testsredis
- recommended for production modesql
- any JDBC compliant SQL database (eg. MySQL or PostgreSQL)
To keep maximal flexibility, each store can use different store implementation. It's definitely recommended to use in-memory
stores for development process and persistent ones for production.
Typical configuration might use sql
for users and clients and redis
for sessions / tokens / authcodes.
When speaking of configuration...
Cerber uses glorious mount to set up everything it needs to operate. Instead of creating stores by hand it's pretty enough to adjust edn-based configuration file specific for each environment (local / test / prod):
{:authcodes {:store :sql :valid-for 180}
:sessions {:store :sql :valid-for 180}
:tokens {:store :sql :valid-for 180}
:users {:store :sql
:defined []}
:clients {:store :sql
:defined []}
:scopes #{}
:landing-url "/"
:realm "http://defunkt.pl"
:endpoints {:authentication "/login"
:client-approve "/approve"
:client-refuse "/refuse"}}
:redis-spec {:spec {:host "localhost" :port 6379}}
:jdbc-pool {:init-size 1
:min-idle 1
:max-idle 4
:max-active 32
:driver-class "org.h2.Driver"
:jdbc-url "jdbc:h2:mem:testdb;MODE=MySQL;INIT=RUNSCRIPT FROM 'classpath:/db/migrations/h2/schema.sql'"}}
Words of explanation:
auth-codes store definition, requires an auth-code life-time option (:valid-for) in seconds.sessions
sessions store definition, requires a session life-time option (:valid-for) in seconds.tokens
tokens store definition, requires a token life-time option (:valid-for) in seconds.users
users store definition.clients
oauth2 clients store definition.redis-spec
(optional) is a redis connection specification (look at carmine for more info) for redis-based stores.jdbc-pool
(optional) is a sql database pool specification (look at conman for more info) for sql-based stores.endpoints
(optional) should reflect cerber's routes to authentication and access approve/refuse endpoints.realm
(required) is a realm presented in WWW-Authenticate header in case of 401/403 http error codesscopes
(required) available set of scopes for oauth2 clients.
Scopes are configured as a set of unique strings like "user"
, "photos:read"
or "profile:write"
which may be structurized in kind of hierarchy.
For example one can define scopes as #{"photos" "photos:read" "photos:write"}
which gives any OAuth2 client (if configured so) a privilege to ask for
read and write permission to imaginary photos resoure and a photos permission which includes both photos:read and photos:write. In other words, photos is
a scope which groups all other scopes beginning with photos:.
Cerber also normalizes scope requests, so when client asks for #{"photos" "photos:read"}
scopes, it's been simplified to #{"photos"}
Also, it's perfectly valid to have an empty set of scopes as they are optional in OAuth2 spec. On the other hand if any scopes have been defined, all client requests are validated against configuration.
Predefined users and clients
It is possible to predefine users as well as clients in configuration file with :defined
vector of maps as following:
{:users {:store :in-memory
:defined [{:login "foo"
:email "foo@bar.com"
:name "Foo Bar"
:enabled? true
:password "pass"}]}
:clients {:store :in-memory
:defined [{:id "KEJ57AVGDWJA4YSEUBX3H3M2RBW53WLA"
:info "Default client"
:redirects ["http://localhost"]
:grants ["authorization_code" "password"]
:scopes ["photos:read" "photos:write"]
:approved? true}]}}
Configuration files
When Cerber's system boots up, first it tries to find and load default edn-based confgurations which are simply resources available within a classpath.
Specifically, system searches for cerber.edn
(described above) and merges it with optional cerber-ENV.edn
. Latter one is used to
override default options (eg. stores definitions) based on environment controlled by ENV
variable. When no environmental variable ENV is set,
it immediately defaults to local
, so cerber-local.edn
is loaded (if found) and merged with cerber.edn
HTML resources
To complete some of OAuth2-flow actions, like web based authentication or access-grant dialog, Cerber tries to load HTML templates, fill them in and present to the end-user. In similar way how it goes with configuration, Cerber looks for 2 HTML templates:
- forms/login.html - used to render authentication form.
- forms/authorize.html - used to render user a form where user is asked to grant a permission.
Having all the bits and pieces adjusted, it's time to run mount machinery:
(require '[mount.core :as mount])
This implementation assumes Authorization Server and Resource Server having same source of knowledge about issued tokens and sessions. Servers might be horizontally scaled but still need to be connected to the same underlaying database (redis or sql-based). This is also why in-memory storage should be used for development only. It simply does not scale (at least not with current implementation).
(todo) introduce JWT tokens
All NOT RECOMMENDED points from specification have been purposely omitted for security reasons. Bearer tokens and client credentials should be passed in HTTP headers. All other ways (like query param or form fields) are ignored and will result in HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) or HTTP 403 (Forbidden) errors.
Any errors returned in a response body are formed according to specification as following json:
"error": "error code",
"error_description": "human error description",
"state": "optional state"
or added to the error query param in case of callback requests.
Callback requests (redirects) are one of the crucial concepts of OAuth flow thus it's extremally important to have redirect URIs verified. There are several way to validate redirect URI, this implementation however goes the simplest way and does exact match which means that URI provided by client in a request MUST be exactly the same as one of URIs bound to the client during registration.
Cerber OAuth2 provider defines 6 ring handlers that should be bound to specific routes. It's not done automagically. Some people love compojure some love bidi so Cerber leaves the decision in developer's hands.
Anyway, this is how bindings would look like with compojure:
(require '[cerber.handlers :as handlers])
(defroutes oauth-routes
(GET "/authorize" [] handlers/authorization-handler)
(POST "/approve" [] handlers/client-approve-handler)
(GET "/refuse" [] handlers/client-refuse-handler)
(POST "/token" [] handlers/token-handler)
(GET "/login" [] handlers/login-form-handler)
(POST "/login" [] handlers/login-submit-handler))
To recall, any change in default /login, /approve or /refuse paths should be reflected in corresponding endpoints
part of configuration.
Having OAuth Authentication Server paths set up, next step is to configure restricted resources:
(defroutes restricted-routes
(GET "/user/info" [] user-info-handler))
Let's define user-info-handler
to return user's details:
(require '[cerber.oauth2.context :as ctx])
(defn user-info-handler [req]
{:status 200
:body (::ctx/user req)})
Almost there. To verify tokens as an OAuth Resource Server Cerber bases on a single ring wrapper - handlers/wrap-authorized
It's responsible for looking for a token in HTTP Authorization
header and checking whether token matches one issued by Authorization Server.
(require '[compojure.core :refer [routes wrap-routes]
[ring.middleware.defaults :refer [api-defaults wrap-defaults]]])
(def app
(wrap-routes restricted-routes handlers/wrap-authorized))
API functions are all grouped in cerber.oauth2.core
namespace and allow to manipulate with clients and tokens at higher level.
(create-client [info redirects & [grants scopes approved?]])
used to create new OAuth client, where:
- info is a non-validated info string (typically client's app name or URL to client's homepage)
- redirects is a validated vector of approved redirect-uris. Note that for security reasons redirect-uri provided with token request should match one of these entries.
- grants is an optional vector of allowed grants: "authorization_code", "token", "password" or "client_credentials". if nil - all grants are allowed.
- scopes is an optional vector of OAuth scopes that client may request an access to
- approved? is an optional parameter deciding whether client should be auto-approved or not. It's false by default which means that client needs user's approval when requesting access to protected resource.
(require '[cerber.oauth2.core :as c])
(c/create-client "http://defunkt.pl"
["authorization_code" "password"]
["photos:read" "photos:list"]
Each generated client has its own random client-id and a secret which both are used in OAuth flow. Important thing is to keep the secret codes really secret! Both client-id and secret authorize client instance and it might be harmful to let attacker know what's your client's secret code is.
(find-client [client-id])
Looks up for client with given identifier.
(delete-client [client])
Removes client from store. Note that together with client all its access- and refresh-tokens are revoked as well.
(find-tokens-by-client [client])
Returns list of non-expirable refresh-tokens generated for given client.
(find-tokens-by-user [user])
Returns list of non-expirable refresh-tokens generated for clients operating on behalf of given user.
(revoke-tokens [client])
(revoke-tokens [client login])
Revokes all access- and refresh-tokens bound with given client (and optional user's login).
I've chosen SQL engine for some of my stores. How to determine what the database schema is?
Cerber uses SQL migrations (handled by flyway) to incrementally apply changes on database schema. All migrations live here. You may either apply them by hand or use task which will migrate schema changes for supported SQL databases:
$ boot -d cerber/cerber-oauth2-provider migrate -j <jdbc-url>
$ boot -d cerber/cerber-oauth2-provider migrate -j "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/template1?user=root&password=secret"
What SQL databases are supported?
Currently MySQL and Postgres are supported out of the box and recognized based on jdbc-url.