
Git speed benchmarks

Primary LanguageShell


These benchmarks aim to show the fastest way to get information from git. Getting fast git info is particularly important if you are trying to add information to the PS1 property of a terminal. All the tests are conducted in the git repo and are the fastest of 5 executions.

Git Current Branch

The fastest way to get a git repo's current branch is: cat .git/HEAD | awk -F refs/heads/ '{ print $2; }'

Try it yourself!

$ curl -sSL https://github.com/jareddlc/git-gud/raw/master/git-branch-current.sh | sh

Commands that need additional formatting without the formatting (base speed)

Command Real Time
git branch 0m0.015s
git status 0m0.027s
cat .git/HEAD 0m0.004s
git symbolic-ref HEAD 0m0.007s
git name-rev HEAD 0m0.040s

Commands that need additional formatting

Command Real Time
git branch | grep * | awk '{ $1=$1; print }' | tr -d "* " 0m0.016s
git branch | grep * | cut -d ' ' -f2- 0m0.016s
git branch | sed -n '/* /s///p' 0m0.014s
git status | head -1 | awk '{ print $3; }' 0m0.026s
cat .git/HEAD | awk -F refs/heads/ '{ print $2; }' 0m0.004s
git symbolic-ref HEAD | awk -F refs/heads/ '{ print $2; }' 0m0.008s
git name-rev HEAD | awk '{ print $2; }' 0m0.039s
git describe --all | awk -F heads/ '{ print $2; }' 0m0.016s

Commands that dont need additional formatting

Command Real Time
git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 0m0.008s
git name-rev --name-only HEAD 0m0.039s
git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 0m0.008s


Have a faster method? Submit a pull request and add it to the benchmarks.