
A plugin for VIM that creates an Integrated Debugging Environment :) Currently works with PHP and Python

Primary LanguagePython

This plugin creates an integrated debugging environment in VIM. It has been forked from Jared Forsyth's vim_debug project: (http://jaredforsyth.com/projects/vim-debug/)

Features: - integration with xdebug - step (into/over/out) - live stack view - breakpoint set/remove


  • TODO: multi-langauge command support.
  • watch expressions!
  • live scope view

New things that your average user probably won't appreciate, but anyone wanting to hack at it should:

  • It's now in a true python package
  • modularized
  • cleaned up, substantially rewritted for consistency


  • conditional breakpoints

To start your debug session, use the following variants:

Usage: Dbg - (no auto start)
       Dbg . (autostart current file -- python)
       Dbg url (autostart a URL -- PHP)
       Dbg num (autostart a past url -- PHP)

For PHP urls, vim-debug keeps track of the last 5 urls you debugged -- so you don't have to keep typing them in.

Debugger commands:

[usage:] dbg command [options]
- quit    :: exit the debugger
- run     :: continue execution until a breakpoint is reached or the program ends
         shortcut: \r
- stop    :: exit the debugger
- over    :: step over next function call
         shortcut: \o
- watch   :: execute watch functions
         shortcut: \w
- up      :: go up the stack
         shortcut: \u
- here    :: continue execution until the cursor (tmp breakpoint)
         shortcut: \h
- down    :: go down the stack
         shortcut: \d
- exit    :: exit the debugger
- eval    :: eval some code
- break   :: set a breakpoint
         shortcut: \b
- into    :: step into next function call
         shortcut: \i
- out     :: step out of current function call
         shortcut: \t

Screenshot: [full size]


xdebug docs


Sam Ghods:(last activity 6/21/07)
Seung Woo Shin:(last activity 12/7/04)