
Data utilities for api.civdocs.us, an open API for founding documents of the United States of America.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🇺🇸 data.civdocs.us

This repository contains the necessary materials for scraping and compiling data from civdocs.us sources into JSON data and then building the remote SQL database.

  compiledJson/           // compiled JSON files with merged data from scraped JSON
  scrapedJson/            // individual JSON files from scraping, stored for repeated use
  scripts/                // individual scripts for scraping documents into JSON files for compilation
  compile.js              // utility logic yielding compiled JSON from scraped JSON
  db-builder.js           // contains logic for building remote SQL database from compiled JSON
  index.js                // top-level logic
exec.sh                   // main script


$ ./exec.sh [ -s | -c | -p ]
Command Info
-s SCRAPE Execute scrape scripts currently uncommented in index.js DOCUMENT_NAMES
-c COMPILE Execute compilation from scrapedJson
-p PRODUCTION Build production database (defaults to local credentials)

Note: this program assumes src/.env src/.env-local, and src/.env-production files containing the required database credentials.

Repo links