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Epicodus week 6-7 independent project: WordCounter.Solution, created February 15th, 2019

By Jared Hanson


A counter program to determine the number of times an inputted word appears within an inputted sentence.

Known Bugs

  • No known bugs.


The user types a sentence. The user then inputs a word to search for within the original sentence. The program next displays the original sentence and how many times the searched for word was used as long as it wasn't part of another word.

Behavior Input Output
Input sentence "i i ioi ii" The sentence is stored.
Input word "i" The searched for word is stored.
Show result "i i ioi ii" "i i ioi ii: The word 'i' was used 2 times."

Setup and Use

Software Requirements: Download .NET Core 1.1.4 SDK and .NET Core Runtime 1.1.2 and install them. Download Mono and install it.

  • Clone this repository repo: "$ git clone"
  • To edit the project, open the project in your preferred text editor.
  • To run the program, first navigate to the location of the the WordCounter and WordCounter.Tests directories at the top levels and execute: "$ dotnet restore" in both directories.
  • Open MAMP.
  • Then navigate to the WordCounter directory and execute commands: "$ dotnet build" and "$ dotnet run".
  • Then go to "http://localhost:5000" to view webpage.


  • Must have a working browser, IDE, and terminal.
  • Must have basic computer use proficiency

Built With

  • C#
  • .NET Core 2.0


Author GitHub Email
Jared Hanson jaredh123

Support and contact details

If you have any feedback or concerns, please contact me at


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Copyright (C) 2019 Jared Hanson. All Rights Reserved. MIT License

Copyright (c) 2019 Jared Hanson