
Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A program to analyze an astronomical adaptive optics system, both using spatial PSDs and also applying control laws to temporal PSDs. Primarily focused on post-coronagraph contrast, it can also be used to develop error budgets and Strehl ratio predictions.

See Males & Guyon (2018) for a complete explanation of the techniques implemented. Please cite that paper if you use this code in your work!

This program compiles to a stand alone command line program, which can be configured through command line arguments or with configuration files. You do not need to actually write c++ code to use aoSystem. One should be able to interact with it from other languages/environments, e.g. python.


This depends on "mxlib", my library of c++ code. I am constantly changing/updating/extending mxlib for other projects, so I recommend checking out the "aoSystem" branch like so:

$ git clone https://github.com/jaredmales/mxlib.git -b aoSystem --single-branch ./

Run that command in the directory you want as the top-level directory of the mxlib source repository on your local machine. Then follow the remaining installation instructions.

Note: I have installed this on CentOS 6 and 7, and Ubuntu 16 through 20.04. Joseph Long has successfully compiled it on macOS Darwin (and contributed a bunch of changes to the makefiles so it works) Update Summer 2021: mxlib is building on macs again.


Once you have setup the mxlib build system (which just means setting up environment variables), you can build aoSystem with:

$ make


See the User's Guide.

Using the config files in the examples directory, you can run the program with

$ ./aoSystem -c examples/guyon05.conf  

To get online help and see all the options:

$ ./aosystem -h