
Uncouth can convert vue class APIs to vue composition APIs in Vue.js components written in Typescript.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Remove the class from your Vue components.

Converts class based components to Composition API.

Forked from the great work of yoyo930021: https://github.com/yoyo930021/vc2c



ASTConvertPlugins is the most important part of this project, it can convert AST to composition APIs. Custom decorator in ASTConvertPlugins are supported, such as @Subscription. See Writing a custom ASTConvert for more details.


The files to be converted must meet the criteria below:

  • Scripts must be written in Typescript. (JavaScript may be supported in the future.)
  • All syntax must be valid.
  • Node.js >= 8.16

Supported features

  • vue-class-component
    • Object
      • name
      • props
        • PropType<...>
      • data
      • computed
      • methods
      • watch
      • intervalHook (ex: mounted)
      • provide / inject
      • mixins
      • extends
      • render
    • Class
      • className
      • computed
      • data
      • intervalHook (ex: mounted)
      • render
      • methods
      • Mixins
      • $refs
  • vue-property-decorator
    • @Prop
    • @PropSync
    • @Model
    • @Watch
    • @Provide / @Inject
    • @ProvideReactive / @InjectReactive
    • @Emit
    • @Ref
  • vuex-class
    • @Action
    • @Getter
    • @Mutation
    • @State
    • @<namespace>
      • .Action
      • .Getter
      • .Mutation
      • .State
  • replace this to props, variable, or context.
  • sort by dependency.


The uncouth project has both CLI and API interface.


# npm
npx uncouth single [cliOptions] <VueOrTSfilePath>

# yarn
yarn add uncouth
yarn uncouth single [cliOptions] <VueOrTSfilePath>

# volta
sudo volta install uncouth
uncouth single [cliOptions] <VueOrTSfilePath>


-v, --view             Output file content on stdout, and no write file.
-o, --output           Output result file path.
-r, --root <root>      Set root path for calc file absolute path. Default:`process.cwd()`.
-c, --config <config>  Set uncouth config file path. Default: `'.uncouth.js'`.
-h, --help             Output usage information.


const { convert, convertFile } = require("uncouth");

// Get convert result script
const resultScript = convert(
  /* scriptContent */ fileContent, // can't include vue file content, if vue file, only input script element content
  /* {UncouthConfig} */ options

// Get FileInfo and scriptResult
const { file, result } = convertFile(
  /* VueOrTSfilePath */ filePath,
  /* rootPath */ cmdOptions.root,
  /* UncouthConfigFilePath */ cmdOptions.config

Uncouth Config

  // root path for calc file absolute path, if in CLI, --root value will replace.
  root?: string, // Default:`process.cwd()`
  // show debug message.
  debug?: boolean, // Default: `false`
  // if true, use @vue/composition-api.
  compatible?: boolean, // Default: `false`
  // first setup function parameter name.
  setupPropsKey?: string, // Default: `props`
  // second setup function parameter name.
  setupContextKey?: string, // Default: `context`
  // Use custom version typescript.
  typescript?: typeof ts, // Default: Typescript 3.7.3
  // Use custom version vue-template-compiler, please match your project vue versions.
  vueTemplateCompiler?: typeof vueTemplateCompiler, // Default: vue-template-compiler 2.6.11
  // Use custom prettier config file path. if file does not exist, use default uncouth prettier config.
  prettierConfig?: string // Default: `.prettierrc`
  // Use custom ASTConvertPlugins for ASTConvert and ASTTransform
  plugins?: ASTConvertPlugins,
  // if using vuex-class the variable name to use for the store
  vuexKey?: string, // Default: `store`



import * as ts from "typescript";
// import { ASTConvertPlugins, ASTConverter, ASTTransform } from 'uncouth'
export interface ASTConvertPlugins {
  [ts.SyntaxKind.Decorator]: {
    // @Component decorator argument ASTConvert
    [ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment]: Array<ASTConverter<ts.PropertyAssignment>>;
    [ts.SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration]: Array<ASTConverter<ts.MethodDeclaration>>;
  // Class child AST will forEach ASTConverter until return ASTResult by AST SyntaxKind
  [ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier]: Array<ASTConverter<ts.Identifier>>;
  [ts.SyntaxKind.HeritageClause]: Array<ASTConverter<ts.HeritageClause>>;
  [ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration]: Array<ASTConverter<ts.PropertyDeclaration>>;
  [ts.SyntaxKind.GetAccessor]: Array<ASTConverter<ts.GetAccessorDeclaration>>;
  [ts.SyntaxKind.SetAccessor]: Array<ASTConverter<ts.SetAccessorDeclaration>>;
  [ts.SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration]: Array<ASTConverter<ts.MethodDeclaration>>;
  // When all ASTConvert finished, run ASTTransform.
  after: Array<ASTTransform>;

ASTConvertPlugins process

  • Vue Class @Component decorator Object:

    • Uncouth will parse object properties of @Component argument by running ASTConvert functions in plugins[ts.SyntaxKind.Decorator][property.kind as ts.SyntaxKind] array.
    • When ASTConvert returns a ASTResult, uncouth will record the ASTResult and proceed to the next object property.
    • If ASTConvert returns false, uncouth will run the next ASTConvert function in the array.
  • Vue Class:

    • Uncouth will parse Class AST childs by running ASTConvert functions in plugins[AST.kind as ts.SyntaxKind] array.
    • When ASTConvert returns a ASTResult, uncouth will record the ASTResult and proceed to the next object property.
    • If ASTConvert returns false, uncouth will run the next ASTConvert function in the array.
  • Transform:

    • Uncouth will run all ASTTransform functions in plugins.after array after finishing the two steps above.
    • You can use it to merge or sort AST. ex: computed, removeThis.


  • You can use https://ts-ast-viewer.com/ to get Typescript ast.
  • You can use built-in ASTConvert or ASTTransform in ASTConvertPlugins.
    import { BuiltInPlugins } from "uncouth";
    const astConvert: ASTConvert = BuiltInPlugins.convertProp;
  • You cas use built-in typescript AST utils.
    import { getDecoratorNames, isInternalHook } from "uncouth";
  • ASTConvert functions must be placed in order by it's strictness in ASTConvertPlugins. Stricter function should be placed up front.
  • If you want to use Vue any property, you can see link.

ASTConvert Example


  • Add more TODO: comments on needed.
  • Support more features.
  • Convert project.