
Permanote is a single-page note-taking app that features a rich-text editor, search, autosaving, and organization with notebooks and tags.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Permanote is a note-taking app that features a rich-text editor, search, autosaving, and organization with notebooks and tags. Permanote is an Evernote clone.

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Rails, React & Redux

Permanote is built on a Rails backend with React and Redux for the frontend. It's structured as a normalized Redux state and uses thunks for async CRUD actions.


Permanote's rich-text editor is built with ReactQuill. Customization of the ReactQuill editor includes a custom toolbar that dynamically shows/hides, minor styling changes on its Snow theme, and note autosaving. Autosaving uses a simple debounce function.



Users can create notebooks to organize notes. They can also delete and rename notebooks -- the renaming dialog will only allow the user to continue if the name is changed. When selecting a notebook, the most recently updated note is automatically loaded in the editor.


Users can search all notes and notebooks using the search bar. When the user begins to type, live results showing matching note titles and notebook names appear in a dropdown. The user can then click "Search all notes" to search the content of all the notes and display matching results in the sidebar.


Users can also add any number of custom tags to notes. Notes can be filtered by specific tags, adding another layer of search and organization.

When tagging notes, users can either create a new tag or start typing to search existing tags and automatically populate a dropdown with search results.

searchTags(tagSearch) {
        const tags = this.props.allTags.filter(tag => {
            return tag.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(tagSearch.toLowerCase()) !== -1;
        tags.length ? this.setState({ tagSearchDropdown: true, tagSearchMatches: tags }) : this.setState({ tagSearchDropdown: false });

In-progress tasks, planned features & known issues

See Permanote project board