AutoRest Report extension

AutoRest extension that outputs data that can be used to build reports.

How to use

To use this extension, add the below configuration to your

This only works with autorest 2.0.


Then run autorest --report.output-folder=. .


The below section defines the AutoRest pipeline for this extension.

  report: # <- name of plugin
    scope: report
    # ^ will make this plugin run only when `--report` is passed on the CLI or
    # when there is `report: true | <some object>` in the configuration file
    input: swagger-document/identity
    # ^ other pipeline step to use as a predecessor in the DAG
    # takes the outputs of that step as input to this plugin.
    # If no `input` is declared here, the plugin runs immediately and gets
    # the `input-file`s of this AutoRest call as its inputs.
    output-artifact: report-text
    # ^ tag that is assigned to files written out by this pipeline step
    # This allows other pipeline steps to conveniently refer to all the files
    # that this pipeline step wrote out.
  report/emitter: # <- 'hello-world' is arbitrary name, 'emitter' is a plugin built into AutoRest
    input: report
    # ^ predecessor to this pipeline step
    scope: scope-report/emitter
    # ^ scope that defines the inputs/outputs for the emitter plugin

  input-artifact: report-text
  output-uri-expr: $key.split("/output/")[1]

  # Declare the names of pipeline output artifacts