Unofficial plugins repository for Arcaflow

This is a repository for unofficial Arcaflow plugins.

For official plugins, please see the arcalot/arcaflow-plugins repository.

Contributing a plugin

In order to contribute a plugin, please fork the repository and add your plugin to either the go or the python folder. We currently only support these two languages for plugins.

Requirements for plugins

Basic recommendations:

  • Your plugin should include a file that explains the basic function of how to use the plugin as a standalone script and the functions it uses.
  • You should have tests, they should run in a network-disconnected environment, and they should run from the Dockerfile.
  • Your code should use the official Arcaflow plugin SDKs.
  • All schema fields should have a name and a description.

License requirements

  • The code committed to this repository MUST be licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
  • You MUST NOT copy code from other projects, even if they are Apache 2.0 licensed, as there may be requirements to keep copyright notices. Include other projects as dependencies instead.
  • You MAY include dependencies (code or runtime) under the following licenses:
    • Apache License 2.0
    • BSD (0-clause, 2-clause or 3-clause)
    • EPL 2.0
    • GPLv2 or later
    • LGPLv2 or later
    • MIT, MIT-0
    • CC0
    • Unlicense
  • Any copyright notices MUST read "Arcalot contributors".
  • Your plugin code MUST NOT include copyright or license headers in each file.

Container recommendations

  • Your plugin should contain a Dockerfile that is based on CentOS Stream 8 (
  • Your Dockerfile should install all utilities that are required to run your plugin, and your image should work in a network-disconnected environment.
  • Your Dockerfile should use multiple build stages if interim utilities such as git are needed to enable your plugin workload.
  • The LICENSE file from arcaflow-plugins should be included in the container image next to your runnable plugin.
  • Your ENTRYPOINT should point to your plugin with the full path in the JSON-array-form (array), while the default CMD should be empty. See the Dockerfile documentation for details.
  • Unless your plugin runs in privileged mode (see labels below), your Dockerfile should switch to the user ID and group ID of 1000.

Container labels

You should add the following labels to your container:

Label Description
org.opencontainers.image.source a link to the target directory in the main branch of this repository
org.opencontainers.image.licenses a valid SPDX license expression describing the licenses of the components in the image. (e.g. Apache-2.0 AND GPL-2.0)
org.opencontainers.image.vendor should be Arcalot project
org.opencontainers.image.authors should be Arcalot contributors
org.opencontainers.image.title a human-readable name for the plugin
io.github.arcalot.arcaflow.plugin.version should be 1
io.github.arcalot.arcaflow.plugin.privileged can be set to 0 if your plugin can only run unprivileged, or 1 if your plugin can only run privileged. Default to both execution modes. The plugin should still be able to start unprivileged and provide a schema even if it normally runs privileged
io.github.arcalot.arcaflow.plugin.hostnetwork can be set to 0 if your plugin can only run on the container network, or 1 if it can only run on the host network. Default to both execution modes

Recommendations for Go plugins

  • You should use the standard Go tooling and add the go.mod and go.sum files.
  • Your code should be gofmt'd.
  • Tests should be runnable using go test ./... and report the output in the standard Go test output format.
  • Running go generate ./... should not produce changes in the git tree. (git diff should be empty after running go generate.)
  • Your code should pass the golangci-lint vetting.
  • Add all LICENSE and NOTICE files for any dependencies to your container image.

Recommendations for Python plugins

  • Your code should be runnable with Python 3.10.
  • Your project should include a requirements.txt or a pyproject.toml with all relevant dependencies declared.
  • All tests should be included in files called test_*.py. These files should be directly runnable and exit with a non-zero exit code if the tests failed.
  • Your code should be formatted according to PEP-8. Use autopep8 if your IDE does not support formatting.