
📝 the simplest and smallest WYSIWYG text editor for web, with no dependencies

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm cdnjs

pell is the simplest and smallest WYSIWYG text editor for web, with no dependencies



library size (min+gzip) size (min) jquery bootstrap react link
pell 1.38kB 3.54kB https://github.com/jaredreich/pell
squire 16kB 49kB https://github.com/neilj/Squire
medium-editor 27kB 105kB https://github.com/yabwe/medium-editor
quill 43kB 205kB https://github.com/quilljs/quill
trix 47kB 204kB https://github.com/basecamp/trix
ckeditor 163kB 551kB https://ckeditor.com
trumbowyg 8kB 23kB x https://github.com/Alex-D/Trumbowyg
summernote 26kB 93kB x x https://github.com/summernote/summernote
draft 46kB 147kB x https://github.com/facebook/draft-js
froala 52kB 186kB x https://github.com/froala/wysiwyg-editor
tinymce 157kB 491kB x https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce


  • Pure JavaScript, no dependencies, written in ES6
  • Easily customizable with the sass file (pell.scss) or overwrite the CSS

Included actions:

  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underline
  • Strike-through
  • Heading 1
  • Heading 2
  • Paragraph
  • Quote
  • Ordered List
  • Unordered List
  • Code
  • Horizontal Rule
  • Link
  • Image

Other available actions (listed at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/execCommand):

  • Justify Center
  • Justify Full
  • Justify Left
  • Justify Right
  • Subscript
  • Superscript
  • Font Name
  • Font Size
  • Indent
  • Outdent
  • Clear Formatting
  • Undo
  • Redo

Or create any custom action!

Browser Support

  • IE 9+ (theoretically, but good luck)
  • Chrome 5+
  • Firefox 4+
  • Safari 5+
  • Opera 11.6+



npm install --save pell


  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://unpkg.com/pell/dist/pell.min.css">
    /* override styles here */
    .pell-content {
      background-color: pink;
  <!-- Bottom of body -->
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/pell"></script>



// ES6
import pell from 'pell'
// or
import { exec, init } from 'pell'
// Browser
// or
// Initialize pell on an HTMLElement
  // <HTMLElement>, required
  element: document.getElementById('some-id'),

  // <Function>, required
  // Use the output html, triggered by element's `oninput` event
  onChange: html => console.log(html),

  // <string>, optional, default = 'div'
  // Instructs the editor which element to inject via the return key
  defaultParagraphSeparator: 'div',

  // <boolean>, optional, default = false
  // Outputs <span style="font-weight: bold;"></span> instead of <b></b>
  styleWithCSS: false,

  // <Array[string | Object]>, string if overwriting, object if customizing/creating
  // action.name<string> (only required if overwriting)
  // action.icon<string> (optional if overwriting, required if custom action)
  // action.title<string> (optional)
  // action.result<Function> (required)
  // Specify the actions you specifically want (in order)
  actions: [
      name: 'custom',
      icon: 'C',
      title: 'Custom Action',
      result: () => console.log('Do something!')

  // classes<Array[string]> (optional)
  // Choose your custom class names
  classes: {
    actionbar: 'pell-actionbar',
    button: 'pell-button',
    content: 'pell-content',
    selected: 'pell-button-selected'

// Execute a document command, see reference:
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/Document/execCommand
// this is just `document.execCommand(command, false, value)`
pell.exec(command<string>, value<string>)

List of overwriteable action names

  • bold
  • italic
  • underline
  • strikethrough
  • heading1
  • heading2
  • paragraph
  • quote
  • olist
  • ulist
  • code
  • line
  • link
  • image



<div id="editor" class="pell"></div>
  HTML output:
  <div id="html-output" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"></div>
import { exec, init } from 'pell'

const editor = init({
  element: document.getElementById('editor'),
  onChange: html => {
    document.getElementById('html-output').textContent = html
  defaultParagraphSeparator: 'p',
  styleWithCSS: true,
  actions: [
      name: 'italic',
      result: () => exec('italic')
      name: 'backColor',
      icon: '<div style="background-color:pink;">A</div>',
      title: 'Highlight Color',
      result: () => exec('backColor', 'pink')
      name: 'image',
      result: () => {
        const url = window.prompt('Enter the image URL')
        if (url) exec('insertImage', url)
      name: 'link',
      result: () => {
        const url = window.prompt('Enter the link URL')
        if (url) exec('createLink', url)
  classes: {
    actionbar: 'pell-actionbar-custom-name',
    button: 'pell-button-custom-name',
    content: 'pell-content-custom-name',
    selected: 'pell-button-selected-custom-name'

// editor.content<HTMLElement>
// To change the editor's content:
editor.content.innerHTML = '<b><u><i>Initial content!</i></u></b>'

Example (Markdown)

<div id="editor" class="pell"></div>
  Markdown output:
  <div id="markdown-output" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"></div>
import { init } from 'pell'
import Turndown from 'turndown'

const { turndown } = new Turndown({ headingStyle: 'atx' })

  element: document.getElementById('editor'),
  actions: ['bold', 'italic', 'heading1', 'heading2', 'olist', 'ulist'],
  onChange: html => {
    document.getElementById('markdown-output').innerHTML = turndown(html)


Custom Styles


$pell-content-height: 400px;
// See all overwriteable variables in src/pell.scss

// Then import pell.scss into styles:
@import '../../node_modules/pell/src/pell';


/* After pell styles are applied to DOM: */
.pell-content {
  height: 400px;




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