
How do I set default content inside .pell-content ?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi every one,

I need to initialize the .pell-content with default content that comes from the Vuex store in my case.

Much appreciated

Not sure if it is the best way but I did this for now, right after pell.init inside mounted():
this.$refs.editorId.content.innerHTML = this.init_editor_id;

init_editor_id: '' as string inside data()

I would be totally interested what other solutions some of you may have in regards to Vue.
Is there a Nuxt integration I do not know about maybe? Thank you so much!


emm, another way:

const editor = init({});
editor.content.innerHTML = this.init_editor_id;

they are basically the same.

As @xch1029 described, or there is a bit in the README.md that explains how to do this.