- 0
Request to add Button with Outline as style like the one from MaterialDesign
#88 opened by binarynoise - 8
Color applied incorrectly
#37 opened by xDragonZ - 1
Custom Status Bar Color
#74 opened by ItsAnubhav - 3
ColorPrimary doesnt work in targetSdk 29+
#89 opened by ricrebelo - 0
#90 opened by Yusriaja - 8
- 1
ColorPrimary on API 29+
#85 opened by gomtos - 1
Accessing hidden field violation
#77 opened by ihuman15 - 1
Theme Picker Fragment Request
#70 opened by rgocal - 2
- 2
Add color to view same as textColor
#84 opened by omkar-tenkale - 0
Library breaks EditText style
#87 opened by tutaf - 1
- 1
NonSdkApiUsedViolation on API 29+
#86 opened by gomtos - 1
AddAttributes ?primaryTextColor ?primaryTextColorLight?primaryTextColorDark
#83 opened by omkar-tenkale - 0
Consider using LinkedHashSet instead of HashSet to preserve the ordering of CyaneaViewProcessor to make it possible to override default processors
#82 opened by K1rakishou - 0
- 1
[HELP] Custom Font Support
#71 opened by ShubhKotnala - 0
#80 opened by DatL4g - 0
menu icons will allways get color tint
#78 opened by saak2820 - 0
Status bar color broken in Android kitkat
#76 opened by vitSkalicky - 1
- 0
Drawer with Toolbar breaks on SDK 21
#73 opened - 2
Crash with inflating NavHostFragment
#54 opened by grajadurai28 - 0
Breaks on applying white for accent
#72 opened by subpub - 2
Is Android Q's dark theme supported?
#67 opened by mueller-ma - 4
Ability to modify custom attributes
#53 opened by puregallery - 0
Need Help
#69 opened by akashshah-claysol - 6
Not Compatible with Android Q
#62 opened by rgocal - 4
Duplicate Classes found
#66 opened by darkdoctor - 3
- 1
how to set default theme from json themes?
#61 opened by mr-wolf-gb - 1
- 0
Does this library support AndroidX?
#63 opened by dylenaw - 1
Show Wallpaper Theme?
#58 opened by rgocal - 2
- 1
CyaneaFragment declarations clash
#56 opened by andyburris - 0
Crash inflating view on Android 4.4.X
#55 opened by ItsCalebJones - 2
Option to reset colors to the original ones
#36 opened by jrcacd - 0
- 4
How to set the navigationBar color setted together with the default cyaned app colors for the app first run?
#52 opened by jrcacd - 2
- 2
- 1
Is there a colorPrimaryLight?
#39 opened by jrcacd - 0
- 1
Holiday Wishes...
#48 opened by Ibuprophen - 0
- 1
How to instantiate the backgound color?
#40 opened by jrcacd - 1
Can I help translate to portuguese?
#34 opened by jrcacd - 0
#35 opened by jrcacd