Gif LazyVerticalGrid MVVM using Dagger 2 + Hilt with Retrofit 2, Moshi, Kotlin Coroutines, JUnit, Espresso and Robolectric tests!
- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#483 opened by renovate - 0
Add support for debug and release tests
#853 opened by jaredsburrows - 0
Need better icon for app
#353 opened by jaredsburrows - 1
- 0
Modularize build
#108 opened by jaredsburrows - 1
Hilt on GifAdapter
#127 opened by nyxee - 1
Plugin unsupported on gradle 5.4.1
#97 opened by vyadav33e - 0
Material components
#89 opened by jaredsburrows - 0
- 1
Upgrade to Mockito-Kotlin 2
#84 opened by jaredsburrows - 0
Use "gradlePluginPortal()" instead of "maven { setUrl("https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/") }"
#65 opened by jaredsburrows - 1
Look into using the Dagger for Android
#26 opened by jaredsburrows - 2
- 6
Question not an issue
#40 opened by honglili-qochealth - 1
Use Jack
#7 opened by jaredsburrows - 2
Use Dagger 2 for Rest services
#1 opened by jaredsburrows - 1
Fix Espresso tests in 'androidTest'
#4 opened by jaredsburrows - 4
#5 opened by jaredrummler - 0
Fix espresso tests on API 19 and lower
#6 opened by jaredsburrows - 0
Add endless scrolling
#8 opened by jaredsburrows - 0
Remove DI injections from tests
#15 opened by jaredsburrows