
Configuration Service is a distributed configuration provider for .NET

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Configuration Service


Package Latest Release
ConfigurationService.Hosting NuGet Badge ConfigurationService.Hosting
ConfigurationService.Client NuGet Badge ConfigurationService.Client

About Configuration Service

Configuration Service is a distributed configuration service for .NET. Configuration for fleets of applications, services, and containerized micro-services can be updated immediately without the need to redeploy or restart. Configuration Service uses a client/server pub/sub architecture to notify subscribed clients of configuration changes as they happen. Configuration can be injected using the standard options pattern with IOptions, IOptionsMonitor or IOptionsSnapshot.

Configuration Service currently supports hosting configuration with git, file system or Vault backends and supports publishing changes with Redis, NATS or RabbitMQ publish/subscribe. File types supported are .json, .yaml, .xml and .ini.

Configuration Service Diagram


  • RESTful HTTP based API for external configuration.
  • Server easily integrates into an ASP.NET application.
  • Client easily integrates into any .NET Standard 2.0 application using the standard ConfigurationBuilder pattern.
  • Client encapsulates real-time configuration updates.
  • Support for git, file system and Vault backend storage.
  • Support for pub/sub with Redis, NATS and RabbitMQ.
  • Support for .json, .yaml, .xml and .ini configuration files.
  • Inject configuration with IOptionsMonitor or IOptionsSnapshot to access configuration changes.

Installing with NuGet

The easiest way to install Configuration Service is with NuGet.

In Visual Studio's Package Manager Console, enter the following command:


Install-Package ConfigurationService.Hosting


Install-Package ConfigurationService.Client

Adding the Configuration Service Host

The Configuration Service host middleware can be added to the service collection of an existing ASP.NET application. The following example configures a git storage provider with a Redis publisher.

    .AddGitProvider(c =>
        c.RepositoryUrl = "https://github.com/jamespratt/configuration-test.git";
        c.LocalPath = "C:/local-repo";

In Startup.Configure, call MapConfigurationService on the endpoint builder. The default pattern is "/configuration".

app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>

The configured host will expose two API endpoints:

  • configuration/ - Lists all files at the configured provider.
  • configuration/{filename} - Retrieves the contents of the specified file.

Git Provider Options

Property Description
RepositoryUrl URI for the remote repository.
Username Username for authentication.
Password Password for authentication.
Branch The name of the branch to checkout. When unspecified the remote's default branch will be used instead.
LocalPath Local path to clone into.
SearchPattern The search string to use as a filter against the names of files. Defaults to no filter (*).
PollingInterval The interval to check for remote changes. Defaults to 60 seconds.
    .AddGitProvider(c =>
        c.RepositoryUrl = "https://example.com/my-repo/my-repo.git";
        c.Username = "username";
        c.Password = "password";
        c.Branch = "main";
        c.LocalPath = "C:/config";
        c.SearchPattern = ".*json";
        c.PollingInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);

File System Provider Options

Property Description
Path Path to the configuration files.
SearchPattern The search string to use as a filter against the names of files. Defaults to no filter (*).
IncludeSubdirectories Includes the current directory and all its subdirectories. Defaults to false.
Username Username for authentication.
Password Password for authentication.
Domain Domain for authentication.
    .AddFileSystemProvider(c => 
        c.Path = "C:/config";
        c.SearchPattern = "*.json";
        c.IncludeSubdirectories = true;

Vault Provider Options

Property Description
ServerUri The Vault Server Uri with port.
Path The path where the kv secrets engine is enabled.
AuthMethodInfo The auth method to be used to acquire a Vault token.
PollingInterval The interval to check for for remote changes. Defaults to 60 seconds.
    .AddVaultProvider(c =>
        c.ServerUri = "http://localhost:8200/";
        c.Path = "secret/";
        c.AuthMethodInfo = new TokenAuthMethodInfo("myToken");

Custom Storage Providers and Publishers

Custom implementations of storage providers and publishers can be added by implementing the IProvider and IPublisher interfaces and calling the appropriate extension methods on AddConfigurationService:

    .AddProvider(new CustomStorageProvider())
    .AddPublisher(new CustomPublisher());

Adding the Configuration Service Client

The Configuration Service client can be configured by adding AddRemoteConfiguration to the standard configuration builder. In the following example, remote json configuration is added and a Redis endpoint is specified for configuration change subscription. Local configuration can be read for settings for the remote source by using multiple instances of configuration builder.

var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder =>

IConfiguration configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
    .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true)

configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
    .AddRemoteConfiguration(o =>
        o.ServiceUri = "http://localhost:5000/configuration/";
        o.AddConfiguration(c =>
            c.ConfigurationName = "test.json";
            c.ReloadOnChange = true;
            c.Optional = false;
        o.AddConfiguration(c =>
            c.ConfigurationName = "test.yaml";
            c.ReloadOnChange = true;
            c.Optional = false;
            c.Parser = new YamlConfigurationFileParser();

Configuration Soruce Options

Property Description
ServiceUri Configuration service endpoint.
HttpMessageHandler The optional HttpMessageHandler for the HttpClient.
RequestTimeout The timeout for the HttpClient request to the configuration server. Defaults to 60 seconds.
LoggerFactory The type used to configure the logging system and create instances of ILogger. Defaults to NullLoggerFactory.
AddConfiguration Adds an individual configuration file.
ConfigurationName Path or name of the configuration file relative to the configuration provider. This value should match the value specified in the list returned by the configuration/ endpoint.
Optional Determines if loading the file is optional.
ReloadOnChange Determines whether the source will be loaded if the underlying file changes.
Parser The type used to parse the remote configuration file. The client will attempt to resolve this from the file extension of ConfigurationName if not specified.

Supported Types:
  • JsonConfigurationFileParser
  • YamlConfigurationFileParser
  • XmlConfigurationFileParser
  • IniConfigurationFileParser
AddRedisSubscriber Adds Redis as the configuration subscriber.
AddNatsSubscriber Adds NATS as the configuration subscriber.
AddRabbitMqSubscriber Adds RabbitMQ as the configuration subscriber.
AddSubscriber Adds a custom configuration subscriber the implements ISubscriber.
AddLoggerFactory Adds the type used to configure the logging system and create instances of ILogger.


Samples of both host and client implementations can be viewed at Samples.

Build history