ipp://[Hostname or IP Address]
- Adds the printer with the specifier hostname/IP address, if it existsipps://[Hostname or IP Address]
- Adds the printer with the specifier hostname/IP address, if it exists
- Opens Acrobat Pro DC.appacrobat2018://
- Opens Acrobat Pro DC.appacrobat2019://
- Opens Acrobat Pro DC.appacrobat2020://
- Opens Acrobat Pro DC.appacrobat2021.oauth2://
- Opens Acrobat Pro DC.app
- Opens Adobe Illustrator.app
- Opens Adobe Photoshop.app
- Opens App Store.appmacappstores://
- Opens App Store.appitms-apps://
- Opens App Store.appitms-appss://
- Opens App Store.appitms-apps://itunes.apple.com
- Opens App Store.appitms-apps://itunes.apple.com/app/id
- View a specific app in the store - Ex: itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/app/id404009241itms-apps://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSearch.woa/wa/search?media=software&term=SearchTerm
- Search for a term - Ex: itms-apps://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSearch.woa/wa/search?media=software&term=Gamesitms-apps://itunes.apple.com/discover
- Displays the App Store "Discover" tabitms-apps://itunes.apple.com/arcade
- Displays the App Store "Arcade" tabitms-apps://itunes.apple.com/create
- Displays the App Store "Create" tabitms-apps://itunes.apple.com/work
- Displays the App Store "Work" tabitms-apps://itunes.apple.com/play
- Displays the App Store "Play" tabitms-apps://itunes.apple.com/develop
- Displays the App Store "Develop" tabitms-apps://itunes.apple.com/categories
- Displays the App Store "Categories"" tabitms-apps://itunes.apple.com/updates
- Displays the App Store "Updates" tab
- Opens Airport Utility.appapupdate://
- Opens Airport Utility.app
- Opens Books.appitms-books://
- Opens Books.appitms-bookss://
- Opens Books.appibooks://books.apple.com/book/id
- View a specific book in the book store - Ex: https://books.apple.com/book/id1445220910ibooks://books.apple.com/audiobook/id
- View a specific audiobook in the book store - Ex: ibooks://https://books.apple.com/audiobook/id1445220910
- Opens Calendar.appwebcal://
- Opens the 'add subscription' dialog in Calendar.appwebcal://SubscriptionURL
- Subscribes to the calendar at the specified URL
- addressbook:// - Opens Contacts.app
- Opens Dictionary.appx-dictionary://
- Opens Dictionary.appdict://Term
- Searches all dictionaries for the given termx-dictionary://Term
- Searches all dictionaries for the given term
- discord:// - Opens Discord.app
- Opens Facetime.appfacetime-audio://
- Opens Facetime.apptel://
- Opens Facetime.appfacetime-group://
- Opens Facetime.appfacetime-open-link://
- Opens Facetime.appfacetime://PhoneNumberOrEmail
- Starts a Facetime video callfacetime-audio://PhoneNumberOrEmail
- Starts a Facetime audio calltel://PhoneNumberOrEmail
- Starts a Facetime audio call
- Opens Feedback Assistant.appapplefeedback://new
- Create a new feedback entry
- Connects to an SMB server
- Opens Finy My.appfmip1://
- Opens Finy My.appfmf1://
- Opens Finy My.appgrenada://
- Opens Finy My.appfindmy://devices
- Opens the 'Devices' tab of Find Myfindmy://items
- Opens the 'Items' tab of Find My
- Opens Github Desktop.appx-github-client://
- Opens Github Desktop.appx-github-desktop-auth://
- Opens Github Desktop.app
- Opens Help Viewer.appx-apple-helpbasic://
- Opens Help Viewer.appx-apple-tips://
- Opens the "Getting Started" help window
- Opens Keynote.appcom.apple.iwork.keynote-live://
- Opens Keynote.app
- Opens Maps.appmaps://
- Opens Maps.appmapitem://
- Opens Maps.appx-maps-mapitemhandles://
- Opens Maps.appx-maps-bulletin://
- Opens Maps.appx-maps-ac-auth://
- Opens Maps.appmaps://?q=[SearchTerm]
- Search Map for the given term - Ex: maps://?q=Foodmaps://?q=[SearchTerm]&sll=[Latitude],[Longitude]
- Searches for the given query at the specified latitude and longitude - Ex: maps://?q=Food&sll=40.71455,-74.00712maps://?q=[SearchTerm]&sll=[Latitude],[Longitude]&sspn=[Float],[Float]
- Searches for a term at the specified coordinate with the given coordinate width and height in viewmaps://?q=[SearchTerm]&near=[Latitude],[Longitude]
- Searches for the given query near the specified latitude and longitude - Ex: maps://?q=Food&near=40.71455,-74.00712maps://?ll=[Latitude],[Longitude]
- Centers the map at the given latitude/longitude coordinatemaps://?ll=[Latitude],[Longitude]&z=[Float]
- Centers the map at the given coordinate with the specified zoom level (between 2 and 21)maps://?ll=[Latitude],[Longitude]&spn=[Float],[Float]
- Centers the map at the given coordinate with the given coordinate width and height in viewmaps://?q=[Name],ll=[Latitude],[Longitude]
- Creates a pin with the specified name at the given coordinatemaps://?t=[m, k, h, or r]
- Sets the map to standard view, satellite, hybrid, or transit respectivelymaps://?address=[Address]
- Displays the specified location - Ex: maps://?address=1%20Infinite%20Loop%20Cupertino%20CAmaps://?daddr=[DestinationAddress]
- Queries for directions to the specified address from your current location, using the preferred transport typemaps://?daddr=[DestinationAddress]&dirflg=[d, w, or r]
- Queries for directions to the specified address from your current location, using driving, walking, or public transit, respectivelymaps://?daddr=[DestinationAddress]&saddr=[SourceAddress]
- Queries for directions to the destination address from the source address
- Opens Mail.appmailto:EmailAddress
- Create a new email draft - Ex: mailto:example@example.commailto:EmailAddress?cc=EmailAddress
- Create a new email draft with a cc recipient - Ex: mailto:example@example.commailto:EmailAddress?bcc=EmailAddress
- Create a new email draft with a bcc recipient - Ex: mailto:example@example.commailto:EmailAddress?subject=Text
- Create a new email draft with specified subject line - Ex: mailto:example@example.commailto:EmailAddress?body=Text
- Create a new email draft with the specified body text - Ex: mailto:example@example.com
- Opens Messages.appmessages://
- Opens Messages.appim://
- Opens Messages.appichat://
- Opens Messages.appitms-messages://
- Opens Messages.appitms-messagess://
- Opens Messages.appsms://
- Opens Messages.appsms://PhoneNumber
- Opens a new text to the given phone number - sms://1-800-123-1234 -sms-private://PhoneNumber
- Opens a new text to the given phone number - sms-private://1-800-123-1234 -sms://AppleIDEmail
- Opens a new text to the given iCloud account - sms://example@icloud.com -sms-private://AppleIDEmail
- Opens a new text to the given iCloud account - sms-private://example@icloud.com -
- Opens Music.appmusics://
- Opens Music.appitsradio://
- Opens Music.appitunesradio://
- Opens Music.appitals://
- Opens Music.appitalss://
- Opens Music.appitms://
- Opens Music.appitmss://
- Opens Music.appitunes://
- Opens Music.app
- Opens News.appapplenewss://
- Opens News.app
- Opens Notes.appnotes://showNote?[ID]
- Shows the note with the given ID, if it exists - Ex: notes://showNote?identifier=ABD2A242-D919-47EC-9DAC-21959BC559F5
- Opens Photos.appphotos-navigation://
- Opens Photos.appcloudphoto://
- Opens Photos.app
- Opens Playgrounds.app
- Opens Podcasts.apppodcast://
- Opens Podcasts.apppodcasts://
- Opens Podcasts.appitms-podcasts://
- Opens Podcasts.app
- Opens Reminders.app
- Opens a file stored on an FTP serverhttp://URL
- Opens a website without SSLhttps://URL
- Opens a website with SSLfile://FilePath
- Opens the specified file in Safari
- Opens a Screen Sharing.app
- Opens Shortcuts.appshortcuts-production://
- Opens Shortcuts.appworkflow://
- Opens Shortcuts.appshortcuts://create-shortcut
- Creates a new shortcutshortcuts://open-shortcut?name=Name
- Opens the specified shortcutshortcuts://run-shortcut?name=Name
- Runs the specified shortcutshortcuts://run-shortcut?name=Name&input=text&text=InputText
- Runs the specified shortcut with the given input stringshortcuts://run-shortcut?name=Name&input=clipboard
- Runs the specified shortcut with the content of the clipboard as inputshortcuts://gallery
- Opens the shortcuts galleryshortcuts://shortcuts/ID
- Installs the shortcut with the specified ID
- Opens Slack.app
- Opens Stocks.app
- Opens System Preferences.appx-apple.systempreferences://[BundleIDforPreferencePane]
- Opens a specific preference panex-apple.systempreferences://[BundleIDforPreferencePane]?[Anchor]
- Reveals a specific anchor within a preference paneotpauth://
- Sets up a verification code for a URLapple-otpauth://
- Sets up a verification code for a URL
- Opens an SSH sessiontelnet://
- Opens a Telnet sessionx-man-page://
- Opens the man page for a command
- Opens TV.appcom.apple.watchlist://
- Opens TV.appvideos://
- Opens TV.appdaap://
- Opens TV.appitls://
- Opens TV.appitlss://
- Opens TV.appitvls://
- Opens TV.appitvlss://
- Opens TV.app
- Opens Visual Studio Code.app
- Opens Xcode.appdoc://
- Opens Xcode.appinterface-builder://
- Opens Xcode.appx-xcode-documentation://
- Opens Xcode.appxcbot://
- Opens Xcode.appxcdevice://
- Opens Xcode.appxcdoc://
- Opens Xcode.appxcode://
- Opens Xcode.appxcpref://
- Opens Xcode.app
- Opens Zoom.appsip://
- Opens Zoom.apptel://
- Opens Zoom.appzoommtg://
- Opens Zoom.appzoommtg://zoom.us/join?confno=[Meeting ID]&pwd=[Meeting Password]
- Joins a Zoom meeting