
various utility scripts for gnss data

Primary LanguagePython


utility scripts for gnss data


converts UTC epoch time or UTC datetime to GPS weeks and seconds.

leap seconds are just hardcoded to 18 for now.

timecalc 2020-12-02 11:59:59
UTC DATETIME: 2020-12-02 11:59:59
GPS WEEK: 2134, TOW: 302417.0


trims a large gnss data file to a smaller TOW range.

doesnt handle the TOW rollover nicely right now.

➜  gps_data_utils git:(main) ✗ ./trim_data.py -h
trim_data started
usage: trim_data.py [-h] -filepath FILEPATH [-tow TOW TOW]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -filepath FILEPATH, -f FILEPATH
                        path to .sbp or .sbp.json file
  -tow TOW TOW, -t TOW TOW
                        start time and end time in GPSTOW