
text-based adventure game written in Python

Primary LanguagePython



Soldado is a simple Python module for playing a text-based adventure game similar to a "Multi User Dungeon".


The game itself only requires the toml library for parsing configuration and resource files. It is available using pip or conda package managers.

python -m pip install toml

Python Version

Soldado requires Python3 and has been tested as far back as Python 3.6.


For unit testing, pytest is used.

Schema Validation

Cerberus is used to validate resource and config files according to the defined schema.


Starting the game

To start a new game, run the play_game python script. The configuration files will load automatically.

python ./src/play_game.py

Instructions currently are only available at the start of the game.

Playing the game

After starting and the instruction prompt, the user will be asked for an action. Available player actions are ["movements", "sensors", "launch_fighter", "self_destruct"].

Inputs can be made in natural language, the game will parse the input and attempt to understand the intention.

Many actions have multiple keywords or phrases to execute them. For instance, the movements action can be initiated with words such as move, movement,or movements, and even context-relevant terms such as FTL Jump or Jump the Ship.

Ending the game.

Unfortunately, the game is not winnable in the current state. To end the game, the user must self destruct.