Raspberry Pi RFID Music Player

Setup instructions

0. Setup Raspberry Pi

Install Raspbian in headless mode.

1. dependances

Install ffmpeg (required)

2. generate a self-signed SSL cert (optional)

In order for NFC to work on Android a ssl/https cert is needed. Self-signed works, if you ignore the alert.

from - https://medium.com/rungo/secure-https-servers-in-go-a783008b36da openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout localhost.key -out localhost.csr openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in localhost.csr -signkey localhost.key -out localhost.crt

3. Setup systemd

copy player.service to: /lib/systemd/system/player.service


  • Connect to Bluetooth speaker!
  • see if possible to play without downloading as a backup
  • create system for assigning cards without phone
  • volume control!
    • amixer -D pulse sset Master 5%+?
  • light or sound to show status
    • speaker-test -t sine -f 1000 -l 1
  • clean/delete logs, view logs in ui
  • automate push build to pi, restart
  • add more to config page
  • Initialize/setup, what if starting from new pi


  • Playlist - create, edit, update local play list
  • Playlist - download from youtube
  • player queue, add mode to enqueue songs


  • add stl's to repo
  • add USB port to stl to allow power to speaker

Nice to have

  • logs and stats
    • add page to view logs/stats
  • Write url to card
    • wouldn't need a db.
  • push notification to android
    • push to see what's playing, etc.
  • see if I can control led on rfid, or add another led to rpi
  • remote media controls (WS?) (play, pause, volume +/-), but websockets don't work with self-signed certificates :(

Player on phone

  • create player bar on all?
  • re-do ui to be more like yt-music app


  • add "downloader" config
    • song/thumb locations
  • add icon to see which songs have a "real" rfid card

Helpful links

rpi audio




Icon Library


systemd logs

journalctl -e -u player.service

Restart service?

sudo systemctl restart player.service

Update YTDL

go get -u all