
Simple javascript logging library

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Loggy is a simple javascript framework for logging using the usual console.log functions. It provides logging levels and the ability to persist the logs. It assumes you have a console.


var logger = new Logger();
console.log("I did something");

You can set a log level either through the constructor (the default is all)

var logger = new Logger(Logger.level.warn);
console.log("I did something"); //Wont output
logger.setLogLevel(Logger.level.warn | Logger.level.log);
console.log("I did something"); // will now output

You can also access what was outputted through 'private variables' that match the output types name


This will return an array of everything outputted, this is the reason i created this library. Needed a way to pull output from Webdriver while managing logging levels for production.