Heroku Confluent Buildpack
Installs the Confluent distribution on Heroku. While you won't be able to run ZooKeeper or Kafka on it, you could in theory run Kafka Rest on it, which is the primary purpose of this buildpack.
$ heroku create -b https://github.com/jarell-lloyd/heroku-confluent-buildpack.git
Creating vast-woodland-9430... done, stack is cedar-18
Buildpack set. Next release on vast-woodland-9430 will use https://github.com/jarell-lloyd/heroku-confluent-buildpack.git.
https://vast-woodland-9430.herokuapp.com/ | https://git.heroku.com/vast-woodland-9430.git
Git remote heroku added
Now that you have an app, you can download and "install" a version
by setting up CONFLUENT_VERSION=5.2.1
, and deploying an app that
makes use of confluent.
$ heroku config:set CONFLUENT_VERSION=5.2.1
Setting config vars and restarting vast-woodland-9430... done, v3
Setting CONFLUENT_COMPONENT=(kafka-rest|schema-registry)
will also
create a bin/run-confluent
script, which will perform the following
If you have an executable at the root of your app named
, it will run it, with no arguments, and redirect STDOUT to confluent.properties. -
It will setup a trap to run
It will then substitute
for the value of the environment variable$PORT
(this enables static configuration). -
It will then launch
bin/${CONFLUENT_COMPONENT}-start confluent.properties
This provides ultimate flexibility in generating your properties file from the heroku config, or through a static config file which is part of your app.
Your app's Procfile
$ cat Procfile
web: bin/run-confluent