This is now a standalone app (no more installer!) Stick in on a USB and bring it to classes. Nice.
- LPT scraping to automatically generate files for your classes (if I can get access)
- Targeting really old OS versions, for branches with out-of-date classroom computers.
- If the lpt.gojls excel file is poorly formatted, the program could load the student list with junk data. Make sure the student names list is in the second column and has a header of "학생"
- Older versions of Microsoft Word can't use the experimental features (export to .doc, .pdf, or .html) and will cause the program to crash. Once I find a way around this, I'll move those out of "Experimental".
- Uses Cathal Coffey's DocX to write word files
- LinqToExcel to rip data from horrendously-formatted LPT spreadsheets
- JSON for day/class/time/book configurations