
Include ntp in base image?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

The rPi doesn't have a RTC backup battery, and the clock slips a little bit every day. HTTPS has a security feature that if the requester's system-time is off by too much, HTTPS websites won't load.
With ntp pre-installed, system-time would always be very accurate.

Honestly I was under the impression Raspbian already shipped with one... 🤔 but I'll take your word for it (can't check right now).

PR would be welcome!

the ntp client was replaced with systemd-timesyncd in raapbian strech i think.
there should be no need for ntp If one just need the correct time after a reboot...?

I can't say I've noticed the clock slipping on any of mine, so I'd be inclined to assume what @allcoolusernamesaregone said.
