A Counter-Strike: Source entity monitoring plugin written in Sourcemod.
The focus of entWatch is to monitor special map items found in Zombie Reloaded based maps.
You need to follow a few simple instructions to install entWatch:
- Download entWatch by clicking the neat "Download ZIP" button to the right of our github page.
- Extract the entWatch-master.zip on your local hard drive and move the contents to your cstrike folder, making sure you merge with the addons and cfg folder.
- Load one of the supported maps and make sure the plugin is function correctly.
$ ze_biohazard_manor_v4a_004.cfg
$ ze_christmas_infection_v2_3.cfg
$ ze_crashbandicoot_v1fix.cfg
$ ze_cyberderp_v1_4.cfg
$ ze_death_star_escape_v4_3.cfg
$ ze_fapescape_v1_2.cfg
$ ze_ffvii_mako_reactor_v5_3.cfg
$ ze_ffxii_paramina_rift_v1_1.cfg
$ ze_ffxii_westersand_v7_2.cfg
$ ze_industrial_dejavu_v3_3_1.cfg
$ ze_italy_town_v3.cfg
$ ze_lila_panic_escape_v3_1.cfg
$ ze_lotr_minas_tirith_v3_3.cfgo
$ ze_lotr_minas_tirith_v3_5.cfg
$ ze_lotr_mines_of_moria_v6_3.cfg
$ ze_lotr_mount_doom_v3.cfg
$ ze_mountain_escape_v5_12a.cfg
$ ze_paper_escaper_v6_6c2.cfg
$ ze_paranoid_rezurrection_v11_9.cfg
$ ze_pirates_port_royal_v3_3.cfg
$ ze_portal_story_v3_2.cfg
$ ze_predator_ultimate_v3.cfg
$ ze_shroomforest_v3.cfg
$ ze_tesv_skyrim_v4fix.cfg
$ ze_ut2004_convoy_v2_1.cfg
If you don't see your map listed feel free to submit your own config or ask us nicely to build you one!