
Parallel implementation, in CUDA, of Corner Detection in images using Gauss and Sobel filters.

Primary LanguageCuda


Parallel implementation, in CUDA, of Corner Detection in images using Gauss and Sobel filters.

Input: RGB image in .ppm format.
Output: Grayscale image with corners detected in .ppm format. Will be located in output folder.

Compilation and testing can be performed directly from makefile or with the following commands:

  1. Compilation:
    nvcc CornerDetector.cu -o CornerDetector

  2. Execution:
    ./CornerDetector <imagePath> <gaussMask=size> <tpb=threadsPerBlock> <sigma=doubleValue>

Path where the image is located.
Example: ../input/imageName.ppm

Size of the gaussian mask.
Default value = 7
Example: gaussMask=7 -> will generate a 7x7 gaussian mask

Threads per block used in both Gauss and Sobel kernels.
Default value=32
Example: tpb=16 -> 16x16, tpb=32-> 32x32,etc.

Sigma value used in gaussianMask generation.
Default value=1.5
Example: sigma=0.5

Examples of execution:

./CornerDetector ../input/image1.ppm gaussMask=9
./CornerDetector ../input/image2.ppm gaussMask=7 tpb=32
./CornerDetector ../input/image3.ppm gaussMask=5 tpb=16 sigma=0.5