
My assignment solutions for MIT 6.S191 - Introduction to Deep Learning

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning

This repository contains my solutions to the assignments of the MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning course offered by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All lecture slides and videos are available on their course website.

Assignments using Tensorflow are completed, those using Pytorch will be implemented in the future.

Laboratory 1:

  • Q1: Intro to TensorFlow.
  • Q2: Music Generation with RNNs. (Done)

Opening the labs in Google Colaboratory:

The 2019 6.S191 labs run in Google's Colaboratory, a Jupyter notebook environment that runs entirely in the cloud, you don't need to download anything. To run these labs, you must have a Google account.

Running the labs

Now, to run the labs, open the Jupyter notebook on Colab. Navigate to the "Runtime" tab --> "Change runtime type". In the pop-up window, under "Runtime type" select "Python 2", and under "Hardware accelerator" select "GPU".