
Instanews 'Top Stories' App using NYT API.

Primary LanguageCSS

Instanews 'Top Stories' NYT App

Author: Jarid [ jarid@hey.com ]

'Top Stories' application leveraging the New York Times API to dynamically generate the day's top news. Fully responsive design that reconfigures when a story-type is selected.

Desktop & Mobile View Demo


This project was used to practice ES6 and jQuery's ajax() to fetch JSON data and format it according to the design of the webpage. As the design is being dynamically altered, Instanews was a good opportunity to practice CSS transitions as well.


  • JavaScript ES6 / jQuery
  • npm / Gulp / Babel
  • Sass / CSS3
  • HTML5

Code Sample

The following is how stories are dynamically appended to the DOM after fetching JSON data from the NYT.

  `<a href="${data.results[key].url}" target="_blank" class="story-cell">
    <p class='story-text'>${data.results[key].abstract}</p></a>`
// set the background image of the new story
  .css('background-image', `url("${data.results[key].multimedia[4].url}")`);


Download or clone repo, then run the following commands in terminal:

Initialize NPM:

> npm init

Install Gulp:

> npm install

Convert Sass files to CSS:

> gulp sass

Call Babel & Uglify on JS files:

> gulp scripts

Launch Browser-Sync to automatically update changes:

> gulp browser-sync

Watch changes to Sass/JS and automatically run scripts/sass:

> gulp watch or gulp