#This library is desgined to provide the user with the basic tools to import, #export, and create random numbers for simulation in a method consistent with #SIPmath standard. The code below provides an example of how the functions included #in thie library can work together: data <- mtcars data$ID <- rownames(mtcars)[1:4] meta <- SLURPMetaDF(data, "ID", rownames(mtcars)[1:4], colnames(mtcars)[1:4]) testdf <-data.frame(matrix(ncol=4,nrow=100)) colnames(testdf) <- colnames(meta[1:4]) for (i in 1:4) { testdf[i] <- HDRUniformGen(100) } SLURPExportXML(testdf, testxml.xml, average = TRUE, median = TRUE, meta = meta) #If you find any errors, please contact aaron@probabilitymanagement.org #Authors: Aaron Brown, Daniel O'Neil
Import and export functions for maintaining the SIP standard, as well as an auditable RNG