PLOTTY Plotty is a small ruby script to read data from an sqlite db and plot via gnuplot. REQUIREMENTS ruby 1.9.2-p290 gems sqlite3, gnuplot USAGE plotty [DATABASE] [EVALUATION] Plot [EVALUATION] of data from [DATABASE]. plotty [DATABASE] [EVALUATION] [OUTPUT] Plot [EVALUATION] of data from [DATABASE] in file [OUTPUT]. plotty help Shows this message. STRUCTURE OF evaluations.yaml: The file evaluations.yaml specifies the different kinds of evaluations that can be executed. Each consists of an document title for the generated output, and information for diagrams to be plottet. [EVALUATION1]: doc_title: [DOCUMENT TITLE] diagram1: title: [DIAGRAM TITLE] xlabel: [LABEL X-AXSIS] ylabel: [LABEL Y-AXSIS] query: [QUERY] diagram2: ... [EVALUATION2]: doc_title: [DOCUMENT TITLE] diagram1: ... ...