
A fast, lightweight, embeddable inference engine to supercharge your apps with local AI. OpenAI-compatible API

Primary LanguageC++GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Nitro - Embeddable AI


Documentation - API Reference - Changelog - Bug reports - Discord

⚠️ Nitro is currently in Development: Expect breaking changes and bugs!


  • Fast Inference: Built on top of the cutting-edge inference library llama.cpp, modified to be production ready.
  • Lightweight: Only 3MB, ideal for resource-sensitive environments.
  • Easily Embeddable: Simple integration into existing applications, offering flexibility.
  • Quick Setup: Approximately 10-second initialization for swift deployment.
  • Enhanced Web Framework: Incorporates drogon cpp to boost web service efficiency.

About Nitro

Nitro is a high-efficiency C++ inference engine for edge computing, powering Jan. It is lightweight and embeddable, ideal for product integration.

The binary of nitro after zipped is only ~3mb in size with none to minimal dependencies (if you use a GPU need CUDA for example) make it desirable for any edge/server deployment 👍.

Read more about Nitro at https://nitro.jan.ai/

Repo Structure

├── controllers
├── docs 
├── llama.cpp -> Upstream llama C++
├── nitro_deps -> Dependencies of the Nitro project as a sub-project
└── utils


Step 1: Install Nitro

  • For Linux and MacOS

    curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/janhq/nitro/main/install.sh | sudo /bin/bash -
  • For Windows

    powershell -Command "& { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/janhq/nitro/main/install.bat' -OutFile 'install.bat'; .\install.bat; Remove-Item -Path 'install.bat' }"

Step 2: Downloading a Model

mkdir model && cd model
wget -O llama-2-7b-model.gguf https://huggingface.co/TheBloke/Llama-2-7B-Chat-GGUF/resolve/main/llama-2-7b-chat.Q5_K_M.gguf?download=true

Step 3: Run Nitro server


Step 4: Load model

curl http://localhost:3928/inferences/llamacpp/loadmodel \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "llama_model_path": "/model/llama-2-7b-model.gguf",
    "ctx_len": 512,
    "ngl": 100,

Step 5: Making an Inference

curl http://localhost:3928/v1/chat/completions \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "messages": [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Who won the world series in 2020?"

Table of parameters

Parameter Type Description
llama_model_path String The file path to the LLaMA model.
ngl Integer The number of GPU layers to use.
ctx_len Integer The context length for the model operations.
embedding Boolean Whether to use embedding in the model.
n_parallel Integer The number of parallel operations. Uses Drogon thread count if not set.
cont_batching Boolean Whether to use continuous batching.
user_prompt String The prompt to use for the user.
ai_prompt String The prompt to use for the AI assistant.
system_prompt String The prompt to use for system rules.
pre_prompt String The prompt to use for internal configuration.
cpu_threads Integer The number of threads to use for inferencing (CPU MODE ONLY)

OPTIONAL: You can run Nitro on a different port like 5000 instead of 3928 by running it manually in terminal

./nitro 1 5000 ([thread_num] [host] [port])
  • thread_num : the number of thread that nitro webserver needs to have
  • host : host value normally or
  • port : the port that nitro got deployed onto

Nitro server is compatible with the OpenAI format, so you can expect the same output as the OpenAI ChatGPT API.

Compile from source

To compile nitro please visit Compile from source


  • For support, please file a GitHub ticket.
  • For questions, join our Discord here.
  • For long-form inquiries, please email hello@jan.ai.