This repository implements a micro-service architecture that provides two sets of REST endpoints to be displayed by a UI
The two sets of endpoints defined as fallows.
* /Users:get -> List the users
* /Users/{id}:put -> update a single user
* /Users/{id}:delete -> deletes a single user
* /Users/{id}:get -> Select a single user
* /Usuario:post -> create a new user.
* /Tasks:get -> List all the task for a single user
* /Tasks/{id}:get -> select a single task
* /Tasks/userTask/{user_id}:get -> get a single task from a single user
* /Tasks/{user_id}:get -> get all the tasks from a single user
* /Tasks/{id}:put -> update a single user's task
* /Tasks:post -> create a new user's task
This repository is powered by Laravel then you need to run, the commands described below.
>> install composer
>> create the database in any DB or DBaaS that you want.
>> config your .env file.
>> run the databases's migrations file.
>> execute 'run-laravel' command on the CLI is an alias for 'php artisan serve'
The server will run on the port: