
payments against invoices RESTAPI

Primary LanguagePython

Invoice Payments

Built with

  • Python 3.7
  • Flask


  • Customers can create an account and log in.
  • A customers base invoices (100 invoices) will create at the registration state.
  • Customers can applied a full or partially payment to one or more Invoices.


Install pipenv enviroment manager.

brew install pipenv

Navigate to the application directory:

git clone https://github.com/jarlinton-zea/payments-invoices.git
cd payments-invoices
git checkout main

Then Activate the venv using:

mkdir .venv
pipenv shell

Install the application package dependencies with:

pipenv install -r requirements.txt

Run the application with:

flask run

URL endpoints

URL Endpoint HTTP Methods Summary
api/v1/auth/register POST Creates a new Customer, and add 100 invoices for that Customer
api/v1/auth/login POST Log in a Customer
api/v1/invoices GET Retrieve all the invoices for a specific customer
api/v1/invoices/<int:id> GET Retrieves a specific invoice
api/v1/payments/ POST Creates a new payment for a logged customer
api/v1/payments/<int:id>/ GET Gets a specific payment
api/v1/payments/<int:id>/ GET Gets all the associate payments to a customer
api/v1/payments/<int:id>/ DELETE Deletes a specific payment
api/v1/payments/<int:id>/ PATCH Updates a specific payment

Example New Customer body

    "first_name": "Jazlin",
    "last_name": "Moreno",
    "email": "jazlin.moreno@outlook.com",
    "password": "$$MariaLeticia13$$"

Example to log with a registered customer

   "email": "jazlin.moreno@outlook.com",
    "password": "$$MariaLeticia13$$"

Example Create/Update Payment Body

    "amount": 49800

Note >>> Import post collection from: postman/Payments_againt_Invoices.postman_collection.json




Jarlinton Moreno