
Take home API code challenge - Globant

Primary LanguagePython


Docker Desktop

Note: You can use tools like: Postman, and curl for test the response from the API or any case, use your own web browser, and pass the query parameters by hand. :)

This project contains a small API implementation that shows one of the many possible ways to implement a RESTful API using Flask and Flask-restful libraries.

Main libraries used: 0. Flask framework - build light-way web apps.

  1. Flask Blueprints - for build modular web apps.
  2. Flask-RESTful - restful API library.
  3. requests - handle requests to external APIs.
  4. pytest / pytest-flask - Adds unit-test functionalities to the APIs.
  5. python-dotenv - handle enviroments variables.

Project structure:

├── README.md
├── src
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── api
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── resources.py
│   │   └── weather_helpers.py
│   └── main.py      
├── tests
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── test_weather.py   
├── .gitignore
├── docker-compse.yml
├── Dockerfile 
├── requirements.txt
├── Pipfile
└── Pipfile.lock

  • src/api

    • src/api/resources.py holds the resource for define the unique API endpoint, and their internal logic.
    • src/api/weather_helpers.py Where we define the helper functions to format comming from the external API.
  • tests/

    • src/test/test_weather.py define test-suits for the endpoint
    • Unit-test: 🛠️
      • Add unit-test cases for testing the functionaly of the helper functions.


  1. Clone repository
  2. Set env variables : cd root_directory & touch .env
  3. Define env variables:
  4. Build and Run : docker-compose up --build
  • Note: Only required on the first build

Running 4. Run Docker container after build use: docker-compose up weather


weather endpoint



    "location_name": "Istmina, CO",
    "temperature": "23.43 °C / -163.09 °F",
    "wind": "Light Air, 0.29 m/s, South-Southwest",
    "cloudiness": "moderate rain",
    "pressure": "1009 hpa",
    "humidity": "98%",
    "sunrise": "06:00:34",
    "sunset": "17:51:13",
    "geo_coordinates": "[5.16, -76.68]",
    "requested_time": "2023-12-01 09:01:37",
    "forecast": {}

Geek resources:

Some interesting posts that teach how to make some of the calculations. That I implement to format the data coming from the external API.