
Repository for all the content for my Bachelors thesis work at Turku University of Applied Science

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

This repository contains material related to Jarmo Kivekäs' thesis work at Turku University of Applied Sciences.


  • clean up 0 Hz DC values from scanned FFT data
  • clean up overlapping FFT bins at the edges of each scan
  • add metadata for sweep, scan, and bin number to sensing data

Compiling documentation

Much of the work is documented in either markdown (.md) files or Jupyter notebooks (.ipynb). Some parts of the manuscript are written in plain LaTeX (.tex) files. Browsing this repository on github will automatically render markdown files and jupyter notebooks in a fairly reasonable manner.

Use the Makefile in the /doc directory to compile a pdf version of the thesis manuscript:

> cd doc
> make


This section contains cryptic notes that did not have a good place to be jotted down.

use the command


to make a text body sized box


All the tools that are needed are listed in .travis.yml.

The output of Travis is quite technical, but it does define an environment where the manuscript should be guaranteed to build.

tool versions

  • os: Ubuntu 16.04

  • pandoc: pandoc Compiled with texmath, highlighting-kate 0.6.1

  • pdflatex: pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (TeX Live 2015/Debian) kpathsea version 6.2.1