
Dokuwiki Docker-image based on Alpine + Nginx

Primary LanguageShell



Dokuwiki is quite useful in small (personal) environments. But migration of existing installations sometimes become painfull:

  • OS-Update/-Change
  • Data-Migration
  • ...


  • Personal use only (kind of 'desktop-app-replacement')
  • Lightweight Docker-based Dokuwiki-container which runs on all machines (Desktop, Notebook, 2nd Notebook,....)
  • Content is kept in GIT by use of gitbacked
  • Short-term live-cycle:
    • No content on file-system of local machine
    • No migration - just rebuild container
  • Should work "from scratch"
    • No manual installation steps
    • (Re-) build container and use Dokuwiki immediately


  • Alpine-Linux
  • Nginx
  • PHP
  • Supervisor
  • Dokuwiki

Run container

#docker run -d --name dokuwiki -p <LOCAL_PORT>:80 -e SSH_KEY="$(cat <SSH_KEY>)" -e DOKUWIKI_USERDATA_REPOS=<GIT_REPOS> jarmini/docker-dokuwiki:latest
# e.g.
docker run -d --name dokuwiki -p 1113:80 --restart always -e SSH_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa_dokuwiki)" -e DOKUWIKI_USERDATA_REPOS="git@bitbucket.org:johndoe/my_repos.git" jarmoni/docker-dokuwiki:latest


These resources were very helpful when setting this up: