
Django EmailBackend and Models/Views for integrating with Postmark

Primary LanguagePython

Django Postmark

django-postmark is a reusable app that includes an EmailBackend for sending email with Django as well as models and view that enable integration with Postmark's bounce hook api.


You can install django postmark with pip by typing:

pip install django-postmark

Or with easy_install by typing:

easy_install django-postmark

Or manually by downloading a tarball and typing:

python setup.py install

Once installed add postmark to your INSTALLED_APPS and run:

python manage.py syncdb

Or if you are using south:

python manage.py migrate

Django Configuration

If you want to use django-postmark as your default backend, you should add:

EMAIL_BACKEND = "postmark.backends.PostmarkBackend"

to your settings.py


django-postmark adds 1 required setting and 2 optional settings.


Specifies the api key for your postmark server.:


Specifies a username and password that the view will require to be passed in via basic auth. (http://exampleuser:examplepassword@example.com/postmark/bounce/):

POSTMARK_API_USER = "exampleuser"
POSTMARK_API_PASSWORD = "examplepassword"

Postmark Bounce Hook

Postmark has the optional ability to POST to an url anytime a message you have sent bounces. django-postmark comes with an urlconf and view for this purpose. If you wish to use this then add:

url(r"^postmark/", include("postmark.urls")),

to your root urls.py. This will cause your bounce hook location to live at /postmark/bounce/. Then simply add in the url to your Postmark settings (with the username and password specified by POSTMARK_API_USER/PASSWORD if set) and django will accept POSTS from Postmark notifying it of a new bounce.