Graph zip is a zipper library for Clojure that can navigate graph structures, with a similar syntax to xml-zip.
[graph-zip "0.5"]
You can use graph zip like this:
;; Dependencies for an in-memory graph
(use 'graph-zip.core :only [graph-zip zip-> zip1-> zipper-node prop=])
(use ' :only [build-in-memory-graph])
;; Build up the in-memory graph - a list of triples, each with a :subject, :property and :object
(def my-map (build-in-memory-graph
[{:subject "prod-host" :property :instance :object "prod-host/instance"}
{:subject "prod-host" :property :instance :object "prod-host/instance2"}
{:subject "prod-host" :property :instance :object "prod-host/instance3"}
{:subject "prod-host/instance" :property :userid :object "my-user"}
{:subject "prod-host/instance2" :property :userid :object "another-user"}
{:subject "prod-host/instance" :property "label" :object "1"}
{:subject "prod-host/instance2" :property "label" :object "2"}
{:subject "prod-host/instance" :property "cmdb:jvm" :object "prod-host/instance/jvm"}
{:subject "prod-host/instance/jvm" :property "cmdb:maxMem" :object "1024m"}]))
A zipper is a pair of the full graph, and the current node in the traversal. We can build a re-usable zipper, rooted at the "prod-host" node
(def prod-host-zipper (graph-zip my-map "prod-host"))
This 'zips' along the :instance
relation, and returns a list of
Mapping zipper-node over the zippers returns just the nodes that are
related to "prod-host" by :instance
(zip-> prod-host-zipper
node) ;; -> ("prod-host/instance2" "prod-host/instance")
In a similar vein to xml-zip, you can prune the graph by using a
If you are only expecting one result, you can use the zip1->
(zip1-> prod-host-zipper
(prop= "label" "2")
node) ;; -> "prod-host/instance2"
Relations don't have to be keywords
(zip1-> prod-host-zipper
[(prop= "label" "1")]
node) ;; -> "1024m"
Get the properties map of a node using props
(zip1-> prod-host-zipper
(prop= "label" "1")
;; -> {"jvm" ("prod-host/instance/jvm"),
"label" ("1"),
:userid ("my-user")}
Graph-Zip can merge graphs from many sources. Here we are just merging two in-memory graphs:
(use 'graph-zip.merge-graph :only [make-merge-graph])
(def additional-map
[{:subject "prod-host" :property :instance :object "prod-host/instance3"}
{:subject "prod-host" :property "cmdb:hostname" :object ""}
{:subject "prod-host/instance3" :property :userid :object "my-user"}
{:subject "prod-host/instance3" :property "label" :object "3"}]))
(def merged-graph (make-merge-graph my-map additional-map))
(def merged-zipper (graph-zip merged-graph "prod-host"))
The merge behaves as you'd expect:
(zip1-> merged-zipper
(prop= "label" "3")
;; -> "prod-host/instance3"
(zip1-> merged-zipper
(prop= "label" "1")
;; -> "prod-host/instance"
(zip-> merged-zipper
;; -> ("prod-host/instance3"
Since v0.3, it is possible to traverse back up the graph as well, with (incoming :property)
Find all the instances where the userid is my-user
moves the zipper to the given node.
(zip-> merged-zipper
(go-to "my-user")
(incoming :userid)))
;; -> ("prod-host/instance3"
Copyright (C) 2012 James Henderson, Malcolm Sparks
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.