
A master list checkin on spikes completed for cs4690

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A master list checkin on spikes completed for cs4690

Check List

  • Get in the class channel on Discord. (only 1 in 5 of you are in the channel)
    • Create discord user. (You can use whatever you want for your user name/handle/alias)
    • Join On Study server. TODO
    • Go to #course-list channel.
    • Check the box #cs4690
    • To the left, scroll down to see you now have #cs4690 listed. Click it.
    • Post the text Hello World
    • See your post. Right click on your icon on the post. Change your nickname to your real name.
    • Read what's what's out there.
    • Participate.
  • Do the Lynda course mentioned in #cs4690. (Do means do the exercises, not just watch.)
    • Submit Checklist0 of the video list.
  • Watch video Vue - Intro
    • Submit Checklist1 of what you were asked to do.
  • Watch video ESPikes
    • Submit a Checklist2 of what you were asked to do.
  • Finish Checklist0.
    • Submit Checklist0 with everything checked (or crossed off, or somehow marked done)
    • Submit whatever shows you did the work.
  • Finish Checklist1.
    • Submit Checklist1 with everything checked
    • Submit whatever shows you did the work.
  • Finish Checklist2
    • Submit Checklist1 with everything checked.
    • Submit whatever shows you did the work.