A project based on Programming Techie's video found here.
- Product Service - Create and View Products, acts as Product Catalog.
- Order Service - Can Order Products.
- Inventory Service - Can check if product is in stock or not.
- Notification Service - Can send notifications, after order is placed.
- Order Service, Inventory Service and Notification Service are going to interact with each other.
- Spring Boot
- Java
- Maven
- Docker
- MongoDB
- Java 11
- Maven
- Docker
- Clone the repository
- Build the project using Maven
- Run the application using Docker
Explain how to use your microservice and provide examples if necessary.
Document your API endpoints and provide examples if necessary.
Explain how others can contribute to your project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Mention any resources or individuals that you would like to acknowledge.
- Your Name - email@example.com
- Project Link: https://github.com/username/repo